In the first quarter of 2015. Vitebsk Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and inspections carried out 113 inspections of business entities. Inspections to verify compliance with environmental legislation were conducted on enterprises of agriculture, light industry, brewing industry, housing and communal services, woodworking, etc.
The letter, signed by Information Minister Liliya Ananich was sent to the email address provided on the site. "We put on notice that the information resources located at, revealed violations of the legislation on the media. In this regard, we offer up to 15 May 2015 to submit to the Ministry of Information of Belarus information concerning the owner of the information resource," – said in the letter.
Chairman of the Mazalava village council Leonid Dubina invited activists created the public initiative "Chajsy" place to visit on May 13 alleged mass executions of citizens of the Stalinist repression. Earlier, activists filed a collective statement with the signatures of 88 people in the village council, and according to the law, before responding to such a statement, officials are required to visit the area and meet with the applicants.
Vitebsk regional department of the Investigative Committee considered the application of the activists who were asked to open a criminal investigation into the discovery of 28 April in a forest near the village of Hayes human bones. From the response of the UK produced the activists, it follows that "at present grounds for a criminal case is not available".
During the celebrations on May 9 Polotsk Kurgan of Immortality from the heat and scorching sun schoolchildren fainted. All this happened in front of the heads of local authorities.
The workers of JSC "Polotsk-Fiberglass" not satisfied discrimination because of union membership. Abuse of workers to the director handed chairman of concern "Belneftekhim" Igor Lyashenko during his personal reception May 5th. Factory workers represented by the chairman of the Free Trade Union at the company Viktor Stukau. Talk chairmen of workers' rights in the Minsk office of the group lasted over an hour.
In an interview with "Vitebsk Spring" former chairman of the club of antiquity "Uzhorje" former researcher Vitebsk Regional Museum archaeologist Igor Tishkin shared his reflections on the relationship between the state and society to the historical heritage, as well as the changes that have occurred in the past 20 years.
Such a response is received residents Hlybokaje in a written request. In his address, a group of residents asked the officials to place next to the names of the modern historical street names. This practice took place in many cities in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. There are such examples in our country, for example, in the village of Holopenichi, Krupsk area.
Salaries in the agricultural cooperative in an area of outstanding Sharkovshchina sausage, but try to pay for the credit slapped the police. About embarrassment that occurred a few weeks ago, a reader told Andrew Beachwood. "Wages in the agricultural complex partly given sausages. A man came to the bank and they also tried to pay for the loan. Was on the "day" ... This is not the beginning of the novel, it is a harsh fact of life! " – he wrote.
The judge of the Vitebsk regional court Svetlana Ivanova at the appeal hearing complaints head of the regional organization of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Leonid Autukhou decided not to change the decision of the Haradok District Court. Now unemployed opposition activists will have to pay the state a fine of 5.4 mln. rubles.