It took less than a week after the announcement of Orsha court refusal member of the organizing committee for creation of the BCD Igor Grishanov in satisfaction of his claim against the poultry farm, as representatives of the local government held a meeting of residents to remove him from the post of village chief. The residents did not support the initiative of the authorities, but the latter were not satisfied and started a campaign to discredit objectionable village head.
Defenders of Vitebsk Send a postcard to prisons in which prisoners of conscience serving sentences. "We support and remember you!" – said in a congratulatory letter to the opponents of the current political regime, placed for his beliefs behind bars.
About 20 crosses at the site of mass graves of victims of the concentration camps, “the 5th Regiment” (Stalag 313) in Vitebsk broken and lying on the ground. It is also completely broken down one of the wooden obelisks, the other pyramid has lost a star, another – is damaged.
At the end of the day on April 30 in the shopping center "Evikom" passed entrepreneurial meeting. The result of it was an appeal to the National Bank, a number of ministries and Alexander Lukashenka.
State Control Committee of the Vitebsk region has audited organizations in the region timely payment of wages and reliability of its reflection in the state statistical reports, as well as reviewed received in the first quarter of the complaints of citizens about the facts of non-payment of salaries.
When checking the employees of tax inspection found a violation of the order of sale of goods - the businessman sold the goods without documents confirming his release for sale. Women's shoes and proceeds received from the sale of goods without documents, totaling $ 3.4 billion rubles arrested.
Activists of Vitebsk Jan Dzyarzhautsau, Leonid Avtukhov, Kastus Smolikau, Boris Khamaida require prosecutors Vitebsk region a criminal case, all the necessary investigative experiments and the exhumation of human remains found them on April 28 in a wooded area near the village of Chajsy.
Car Yaroslav Bernikovich Volvo S60 hit a hatch that repairmen left hanging around on the street Hlybokae by removing the asphalt surface. Traffic police fined the driver - 20-year-old son Yaroslav, and the car was smashed windshield, damaged suspension, engine mounts, a crack in the gearbox.
Vitebsk resident Peter Berlinov addressed with individual complaints to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, as he was, in his view, unfairly or unjustly subjected to short-term imprisonment in the administrative case.
On the stairs of the Vitebsk department store, between the 1st and 2nd floors, there are two boxes to collect donations. As mentioned on the posters glued to the polls, donations meant "children of Donbass".