According to official data, in the Viciebsk region 3525 children are in a socially dangerous position. Of these, only five are recognized as such due to ill-treatment. The prosecutor's office believes that official statistics do not reflect the real situation.
Thus, only on the facts of violent crimes of family members, 11 criminal cases were initiated against their children in the region. And law enforcement agencies regularly receive information about the physical and moral impact on minors in families.
This year, in many regions of the oblast, the prosecutor’s office issued to the guardianship and custody agencies prescriptions for the protection of the rights of children who were victims of violence between parents, or when parents themselves applied violence to children.
For example, the Vorša District Prosecutor three times imposed such prescriptions when children suffered because of parents' crimes involving the infliction of less serious bodily injuries, torture, or death threats on family members. After the acts of prosecutor's supervision, they recognized that these children were in a socially dangerous position, and took them away from careless parents.
At the same time, while checking the implementation of legislation on the prevention of cruelty and violence against children in the family and the prevention of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors, prosecutors found that the police did not always inform the guardianship authorities about the facts of family scandals and violence that became known to her. As a result, they did not conduct social investigations and did not take measures to protect children.
The educational institutions of the region carried out 7,719 social investigations, of which 2,787 were without the participation of police officers, which worsened their quality.
The internal affairs agencies did not always hand over materials to the prosecutors to initiate an administrative process on the facts of family violence with the rights of the prosecutor, as a result of which brawlers sometimes evaded responsibility.
Thus, in Navapołacak, during the year, due to the reconciliation of the parties, the proceedings were stopped three times against the head of the family, who had beaten his spouse, daughter and six-year-old son.
Of particular concern to prosecutors have been crimes against the sexual integrity of minors. The audit revealed the facts when educational institutions and internal affairs bodies worked with families formally. This approach allowed some parents to commit child abuse or condone such violence.
The work of a number of health care institutions on the transfer of information to the law enforcement agencies that could indicate crimes against sexual integrity of children, including members of their families and other people living with them, requires improvement.
The results of the examination were examined in detail at a meeting of the collegium of the prosecutor’s office of the Viciebsk region with the participation of interested departments and services. Based on the results, a number of additional organizational and practical measures have been taken with the assignment of responsible executives and the establishment of deadlines for work. The implementation of the decision was taken under special control of the regional prosecutor's office, the information service of the prosecutor's office of the Viciebsk region reported.
Syarzhuk Serabro, news.vitebsk.cc