According to a well-known doctor in Vitebsk Igor Postnov, members of the presidential campaign in 2010, Sergei Ryzhov, sentenced to six and a half years in prison on a hunger strike and has refused in writing by eating the food and tea.
CCP BPF Party activist Jan Dzyarzhautsau could not convince the Vitebsk city executive committee to amend the decision of 10 July 2009 № 881 "On mass events in Vitebsk", which, according to the opposition, contrary to the provisions of the Council of Ministers on March 5, 2012 number 207.
Policy correspondence with political prisoners quickly became tougher, reported by the mother of Igor Olinevich: "On June 2 received from Igor letter dated May 21... It is obvious that the policy of the letters became more rigid. On May 1, he received only one card. Earlier in the day he received the cards even longer than a birthday."
On the "Naftan" is not paid two quarterly bonuses for compliance with labor protection requirements – the last quarter of 2014 and first quarter of 2015. Employees of at a loss as their counterparts on concern – refiners from the Mozyr refinery received the money.
May 29 at the lake Baranouskaje near the village Konovalovo, Vitebsk district, Vitebsk and Haradok district inspection of natural resources and environmental protection, together with Haradok Interdistrict Inspectorate of protection of flora and fauna has been established that the death of the fish.
Community activists of the city began collection of signatures for the establishment of a memorial plaque in honor of the famous in Hlybokaje district agronomist Boleslaw Lapyr. Thanks to him, famous Hlybokaje yields of cherries, namely he led different resistant varieties of berries and brought them from abroad.
The results of prosecutorial inspections indicate that the agricultural enterprises of Vitebsk region cannot eradicate mismanagement. This was reported by a senior prosecutor of the department for supervision over the implementation of laws and legality of legal acts of the Prosecutor's Office of Vitebsk region Olga Gritskevich.
Alexei Strakhov he initiated an appeal in the media about the situation at the club. The highly experienced Strakh (as it is often called the former teammates) during his long career had time to play in many places – from Khabarovsk to Donetsk, and even defended the colors of the national team of Belarus. A native of Kharkov, unaccustomed bustle and hypocrisy, spoke about the bleak situation in HK "Vitebsk", where the fear of being in the twilight of his playing career.
The newspaper of the Vitebsk region " Žyćcio Prydźvińnia" room for May 19, published an article by a certain H. Tirusovoy under the heading "...Where rattled fights." Activists initiative "Chajsy" believe that the emergence of this material – the reaction of the authorities in the area of a number of publications in the independent media, which have acquired a wide resonance of the mass grave in the forest.
Representatives of the prosecutor's office ignored the statements Vitebsk human rights activist Valery Misnikov on violations of the current legislation on the part of some officials. Law enforcement, citing a law on citizens and legal entities, announced Mr. Misnikov improperly left the applicant and his complaint without consideration, and the prosecutor's response.