House of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street, 4 in Vitebsk, in the courtyard of which nearly a year ago, the National Assembly was still in poor condition. And it is - under the very near by at the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee.
Residents of about People's Assembly, which was held here Oct. 8, 2011, remember reluctantly. They say, and what there was, talked - and parted. But problems remain. Yes, some people had to join after the meeting was not a friendly relationship with the police.
However, one problem with time resolved. Convenience store "Gourmand", which is not allowed to sleep throughout the district, has moved to a daily operation. Even changed the sign does not quite match the new one. Is now called the "Products". Including the owner - the state enterprise "Recreation" Krupenino. "
But at home, on the street. Khmelnitsky 2 and 4, as they were with peeling plaster and leaky roof (which they have, in fact, one in two houses) for several years, so there are now. And ladies, by the way, is already sixth decade. The residents, most of whom are retired, again left alone with their problems. Responses-formal replies to requests to various departments would be possible to paste over the wall - to save the wallpaper, they are joking.
In the final written response from the Vitebsk City Council said that the "object "of the roof repaired house in № 4 \ 16 Khmelnitsky Street in excluded from the cover b nuc overhaul, reconstruction, modernization lived b levaga Fund and inzhyn ernyh networks in 2012 year " . And further: "We plan to first start work - in the third quarter. Question b is not in control " .The third quarter is running out. But work has not started ...
Most recently in the dispensation of the residents reported that work is really planned, but ... transfer in 2013. Terms once again pushed. So, apart from the need to hibernate throughout the apartment basins, because the roof leaks in the thaw.
Appealed to the deputies. "Here I went to the reception to our MP and Mick I Smun e in and - Chairman of the City of anyonewith Avet deputies. So he talked to me like a sick moron. Well, then came the answer. He, as I understand it, put a tick there somewhere myself that here, they say, voters with b back - the answer is given. And yet - it is a damn what's next ... " - one of the outraged residents of the house Valery tread.
No, I will not go to the polls. Now suppose that at least our home gold for Croutes - still will not go ...
Was the people hope that before the election issue will be resolved urgently. Was and swam. Like faith - the power, and the deputies of the People. There was one despair ...
"Right now the elections. And why should I these MPs? And why should I this election? If no one is on it does not want to breturn attention. Also wrote last year on our home all our gas e you, and the state as well. And a damn! No, I will not go to the polls. Now suppose that at least our home gold for Croutes - still will not go," - said the source "Dialogue" .