Free Trade Union of the plant "Fiberglass" Połacak executive committee banned the picket on 7 October, International Day for Decent Work. Democratic Trade Unions of Belarus in this day traditionally organizes a variety of activities with the requirement of decent working conditions, higher wages and secure jobs.
Free Trade Union Activists in Połacak intended to picket require the employer JSC "Połacak-Fiberglass" raising workers' wages. The plant is the second year is not fulfilled the obligation to wage level taken in the collective agreement with the employer of workers. The average salary of all employees of the plant for the first half 2016 has developed at a rate of 293% of the minimum consumer budget instead of 350% taken as the employer's obligation under the collective agreement. The average salary at the plant amounted to 770 rubles, but most workers received about five hundred.
Plant Directorate misbehavior
Factory workers psychologically persecuted for participation in the free trade unions. Administration obstructs visit shops chairman of trade union, trade union ad break from the stands in the halls and on the entrance of the plant. Director Andrew Bunakov factory flagrantly violated the General Agreement and the obligations of the government, does not include a representative of SPB Nikolai Sharakh to the commission for collective bargaining. Not only did not include commission and dismissed Nicholas on spurious grounds.
Statements of trade union in state agencies
Today, the Free Trade Union tries to bring to administrative responsibility of JSC "Połacak-Fiberglass" as a legal entity for failure to fulfill the court's decision. Połacak court ordered the factory not to interfere with the administration of visiting the whole territory of the factory trade union chairman of the primary organization of the Free. But on July 15 the Chairman may not normally visit the factory for trade union authorized activity. Bailiffs 2 months do not constitute a report on violation of a court order, so the union has sent a complaint to the prosecutor's office and the State Control Committee.
Who discredits the factory administration
Plant Administration wrote to unsubscribe enforcement department.
"Repeated application lodged Stukov V.J. (Chairman of the trade union - auth.), consider unjustified in relation to knowingly deliberate provoking situations and pre-planned actions, which Stukov V.J. spoke on the websites" - says Acting Director General of A.S. Savitskaya.
"I think that Stukov's actions are provocative in order to discredit the administration of "Fiberglass", which he wrote in the Internet", - gives an explanation to the police deputy director for personnel and ideology A.A. Kuzmin.
The simple requirement of the trade union to perform court's decision to the administration management of the plant considers a provocation in order to discredit the company.
Alexander Morozov