After the monument to Alexander Nevsky in Viciebsk still found our correspondent spoke with a man who on the eve of its opening has opposed placing it in the historical center at the Millennium Square.
Andrey, tell me, what motivated you when you started collecting signatures for a revision of the monument to Alexander Nevsky place in Viciebsk? After all, at that time, the city administration has already taken a final decision?
Me moved historical logic, the logic of events, common sense. In each case should be common sense. Why install a monument, if it bears no clear majority for semantic load? We need to realize that the individual monument of this scale in the neighboring country – is not only a fact of art or aesthetics.
I understand that he wrote later, as with the meaning here is complicated. When I collected signatures, many of my friends said: 'Why are you doing this? Still deliver. " But there is an important caveat: The submitted signatures – it is officially recorded indication that in Viciebsk there are people who think differently and openly express their civil position. In our conditions, even for this it is necessary to have a certain boldness, many are simply afraid to sign. Ukraine's experience has clearly demonstrated: people are able to influence events. Personally, I was deeply struck by the real "revolution of dignity", which took place there.
Through social networks tried to get people interested in your idea, and many responded. I did not expect that in Viciebsk among ordinary citizens so knowledgeable and interesting people. The collection of signatures lasted only one week. Thanks to the journalists who contributed to the revitalization of the process, given in its media material on the collection of signatures and supported my idea.
If today to his experience, it would be little altered circulation. It was necessary to add a paragraph on the need for a round table, as if all that to establish a monument, it does not on Millennium Square. It is impossible to place the foreign prince in the historic center. There should be a code associated with the real history of the city, and not a random figure for him.
So, I agree with your logical reasoning, but there is in fact some sort of its own logic, and those who made an effort to erect a monument. What leads these people?
What leads these people? Remembering my discussions with the Golden apologist governor on Russian land, I can say that they are controlled by the ideology of the so-called "Russian world", led by the idea of cultural and ideological expansion, they seriously believe that Viciebsk – is part of the "Russian world". Someone, apparently headed pragmatism. I do not know what guided sculptors, and artists can also be carriers of the idea of the "Russian world".
The establishment of this monument is a fact of national self-abasement. Apparently, there is pressure on the bureaucracy and Viciebsk from the Russian Embassy, and on the part of the Russian Orthodox Church, and from the media, "Russian world". And all because of the fact that there is no national pride, there is fear, "to be called human beings." This monument is a reminder of the humiliation even further consolidate the national inferiority complex. I hate to even be led to their young children.
They say that monuments Olgerd and Nevsky – a political compromise between the supporters of the "West Russism" and the nationally oriented part of the Belarusian society. However, with regard to the involvement of these individuals in the history of Viciebsk – it is incomparable. If we had to choose, from my point of view on Millennium Square to stand Olgerd.
And why did you propose to establish there a monument to the author of "Viciebsk chronicle"? This is your idea?
This is my idea. I never stole it and not spied. This is a compromise solution. Arguing about who was supposed to be a monument to this area, I mentioned the person of Stephen and Gabriel Averkov, Michal and Jan Brigandine Czarnowski only for the reason that, in his chronicle, they described even if not a thousand-year history of the city, but close to that. Some people are with me on this subject do not agree, so it's possible to discuss. I do not impose their views. First of all, you need to understand: Nevsky on Millennium Square – is not the place.
I regret that promote and defend their belief he did not start earlier. Urge the authorities and the people had to start at least a year ago. Although, frankly, I thought, until recently, did not install.
It turns out that our society is so amorphous, if the idea of protest against the authorities' historical voluntarism arose at the initiative of just one person? However, thanks to her a few dozen residents had an opportunity to loudly express their civil position.
Yes, here are the 58 people who signed the appeal, they are categorically against the monument Nevsky. Decisions are made at the top of the command methods no attention to public opinion. It seems to me that the indifference to the life of people here brought up by the state. In the nineties, people were different, and the attitude to life was different. Then people wonder not only about bread, but about the deep and important things, but to live then it was much harder than now. For twenty years, the government has managed to recapture the belief that an ordinary person can do something to influence.
the establishment of the monument needed in a normal country would be resolved through discussions – a radio, there is TV, but in the official media, this topic is not raised media. What's in this thread such that it cannot be discussed? Although, given our realities, things could be much simpler: any Russian oligarch was free to call the city administration and to resolve all issues directly over the phone. They say that the Orthodox community is interested in the establishment of the monument, there will be money, it's only up to you.
S. Horki