The basis for administrative cases dealt Haradok District Court, became a record in the book of complaints made by members of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Leonid Autukhou. He compared the Chief District Office for Labour, Employment and Social Security Peter Prosolov with "terrorist in Lugansk and Donetsk". The court sentenced – 30 base fine.
Judge Leonid Autukhou started back on 30 March. April 9 Judge Alexandra Nosova ordered the penalty. During this time, the police department had to change Haradok charges against activists.
Record, which has become a cause for trial appeared after Autukhou removed from the register for unemployment at the employment center. Activist sure that it was illegal. And recorded in the book of complaints to emphasize that the head of the District Department of Labor, Employment and Social Security, Mr. Prosolov support unfair decision. However, the official saw in the words of "terrorists in Lugansk and Donetsk" insult, said Leonid Autukhou:
"I wanted to write a book of complaints brought to the attention of Peter Prosolov bosses. And he wrote a statement to the police. I drew up a report on the administrative Article 9.3 – for "insulting, deliberate humiliation of honor and dignity of the individual, in an unseemly manner". March 30, the trial began, and the first day of the judge Alexandra Nosova adjourned for more than a week. Without informing during the process, it decided to send a protocol for revision to the police department. I learned this by accident, when he came to the court to examine in more detail the case materials. And they were no longer there."
The judge said Mr Autukhou come to her after dinner April 3rd. Like, the case file will already have it. However, immediately to the court were police and said that amounted to a new protocol activist – for a different article – 23.5 of the Administrative Code for "insulting an official in the performance of official duties by a person not subordinate to the service".
The fate of the first protocol and the first of his case Leonid Autukhou can only guess – in the beginning of the hearing the judge said on April 8 that still does not, and that it parses already new.
"In my record there was no curse words, but first police report was drawn up with such an accusation. The judge sent the documents "for revision". But no one did not elaborate. The police just made another protocol" – continues Leonid Autukhou.
During the trial, he requested that the witnesses called police captain Sobolev, which amounted to a new protocol, even without taking an explanation. However, the judge did not satisfy neither the petition nor another 4 application, which turned Autukhou. It is significant that one of them regarding participation in the lawyer. Therefore, the activist believes that the court unlawfully deprived of his right to be protected:
"April 8, when the court had already begun on a new protocol, I decided to seek help from a lawyer. Said this in court, and Judge Alexandra Nosova announced a break for one day. I began to find a lawyer in Vitebsk, but in a law office lawyers free was not there. He returned to the town, found a lawyer, but this lady was free on April 9 with only 16 hours. She agreed to protect me, but in the morning at work it was not, and the contract to sign, I could not. The trial began at 14, I asked for an additional break to to 16 to come to a lawyer for the contract. But the judge said she will not wait. Before she asked opinion on this matter Peter Prosolov, who said: Do not pull the cat's tail."
Leonid Autukhou sure that he was tried with violations of the law and their rights. And that his rights were violated during deregistration of unemployment, and even earlier – in 2008, when it cut before the elections to the House of Representatives, where he ran. Since then he has had over 40 attempts to get a job, but he did not succeed, including through regional employment center.