In Vitebsk region to protect the frontiers insufficient effectiveness of national voluntary militia from the local population. This opinion was expressed by Chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Leonid Maltsev at a meeting of the Vitebsk region to implement the state border policy.
"Security of the border – it's not just people in uniform. You must realize that by taking part in border security, protects every citizen in the first place, their interests, the right to life and health. If you omit the offending across the border and to keep silent about it, you can endanger themselves, their families. Therefore, the thesis of "the State border guards all the people" should be filled with concrete content, "– said Leonid Maltsev.
The need to strengthen the work of all subjects pogranbezopasnosti with a population of border areas mentioned more than once at the national level. But still in the work of local authorities viewed formalism and lack of initiative. In particular, Leonid Maltsev noted a superficial approach to the operation of the voluntary brigades.
Currently in the border districts of Vitebsk region has 21 community groups total number of 199 people. In 2014, they were put up more than 2 thousand dresses. "On paper, everything is beautiful. But the reality is not always so. Before the meeting, we have tested a number of its units. The test results indicate that the initiative from the management areas to assist border control by the local population, unfortunately, poor. The work is limited to the promotion and vigilantes border guards, "– said the head of department.
At a meeting of the regional commission also attended by the Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Dubov, Advisor to the General Prosecutor of Belarus Alexander Dranitsa guide Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, representatives of law enforcement agencies in the region, as well as – in the mode of video conferencing – management of border areas.