Activities Vitebsk stores trading network "Rodnaya Storona" resumed from January 16. Trade in four of the eight stores Vitebsk "Rodnaya Storona" was suspended on January 7 as a result of unplanned thematic operational checks. "In these shopping sites have been identified as a major breach in the failure of the assortment list and sale of goods that have expired," - said Head of Trade Inspection in the Vitebsk region Inna Belko.
"A total of 52 items found outstanding culinary products, sausage and confectionery products worth Br8,5 million. A significant factor was the fact that these violations are systematic: We conducted two inspections of commercial facilities in July and September 2014 and another monitor - in November. The next test in January showed that the subject is not correct", - explained Ina Belko.
However, she stressed that the reopening of shops supervisory authorities perceive themselves positively. "Our goal - not to close the facility, and to ensure that it has eliminated deficiencies corrected and continued to work in accordance with the law", - explained Ina Belko.
In addition to the "Rodnaya Storona", from the beginning of the year as prescribed by the Ministry of Commerce suspended activities due to detected violations during inspections several objects Vitebsk. Due to lack of the necessary range of goods and price discipline violations from January 10 suspended work shop of children's goods "Kangaroo". The next day, similar measures have been taken in respect of the commercial facility building materials chain stores "Oma", where retail prices are higher than the level on December 18, which is also likened to a violation of trade rules. At present, enterprises are working on correcting the deficiencies identified.
Control over compliance with legislation in the sphere of trade and services on an ongoing basis in each region to carry out trade inspection (territorial control departments Control over the consumer market), who report directly to the Secretary of Commerce. Monitoring is carried out in the field of trade and services management executive committee, mountain and district executive committees. Scheduled and unscheduled inspections, monitoring and surveillance are now carried out almost daily in large cities and in areas with trips. Periodically, the regulatory authorities have received calls from the public, mainly with reports of increased retail prices compared to December 18th.
"Today the situation with the prices in the consumer market is stable. For this order at the end of 2014 established the personal responsibility of the chairmen and executive committees mountain, heads of regional structures and directors of enterprises," - added the head of the antitrust and pricing policy executive committee Anna Ol'shanskaya. According to her, the facts of exceeding prices for enterprise-Vitebsk region is not fixed. The same applies to meat and dairy products, bakery products imported from other regions.