Vitebsk human rights activist Paul Levinau achieved victory: The Ministry of Interior has recognized some violations committed by members of the police department Pershamaiski ATC Vitebsk and Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee.
On the eve of August 26, 2014 members of the police department Pershamaiski Vitebsk "to address the issue of withdrawal from the prophylactic consideration" civic activist Alexander Golovan given a summons neighbors Halavan Valentina (his mother) to send the last. The fact that her son while absent from the territory of Belarus. However, despite this, the specified day he was supposed to come into the office №58 Vitebsk Pervomaisky police station to 9 hours 50 minutes. Agenda was signed by Deputy police chief Colonel AI Tereshchenko.
Next events unfolded as follows: without waiting Mr. A. Golovanov, guide the police department, apparently, went on his quest of his subordinates, as several unidentified persons, who presented police officers unlawfully entered the dwelling citizen Valentina Golovanov, which held against her will survey apartments and furniture.
In addition, on the same day in the morning, two people in civilian clothes, posing as police officers tried to prevent Gregory Golovan (wife Valentina) to go to work. They without giving any reasons persistently invited him to drive to the police station Pervomaisky district of Vitebsk.
After this incident, the citizen Halavan asked the representative of the Republican human rights public association "Belarusian Helsinki Committee" Paul Levinau with a request to protect its interests in connection with the violation of the constitutional right to privacy of the home.
September 2, Paul Levinau got a personal appointment to the head of the police administration Pervomaisky district of Vitebsk police Colonel AI Tereshchenko and presented him with an appeal "On the violation of the rights of the citizen VG Halavan and legislation of the Republic of Belarus ". However, Colonel, referring to the fact that Mr. Levinau no documents, which would give him the right to defend the interests of the citizen Golovanov, leave treatment without consideration of the merits.
Disagreeing with this decision on October 3, Paul sent Levinau Chief of police Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Manko police Colonel JM treatment "About obstructing the lawful activities of a public association RHRPA" BHC "and a violation of the law on citizens" because under the Charter of the public association of its representatives shall have the right to defend in public bodies rights and legitimate interests of persons who believe that their rights have been violated, and contact appropriate order in the public association.
Levinau believed that the head of the police administration Vitebsk Pervomaisky district police colonel Tereshchenko, leaving his appeal without consideration on the merits, impede the lawful activities. In addition, the activity of the official, he saw another violation: according to the third part of Article 15 of the Law "On citizens and legal persons" police colonel Tereshchenko AI must report leaving a written request without consideration on the merits within five days, rather than on the twenty-second day, as was done in reality.
The appeal was presented the request to oblige the police colonel Tereshchenko AI consider the appeal citizen Valentina Halavan substantially and point it to the inadmissibility of violation of the Law "On citizens and legal persons."
However, contrary to common sense, Deputy Chief of police executive committee police colonel Yuri Manko, citing "paragraph 3 of Article 1 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus", said that the requirement for consideration of the appeal on the merits is unreasonable and not be satisfied, and the argument that police colonel Tereshchenko AI prevented the legitimate activities of PDSA "BHC" is unconfirmed.
In addition, Mr. Manko said that will be held service check, the results of which will address the issue of disciplining perpetrators administration officials ATS Pervomaisky district of Vitebsk.
The answer to his appeal to the Deputy Chief of police executive committee police colonel Manko YM Levinau instead of October 18 was October 22, which is a violation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the complaints of citizens and legal persons." In addition, according to Paul Levine, no additional testing and treatment study was conducted.
In such circumstances, according to Levinau, it was impossible to recognize the substantive consideration of the appeal "About obstructing the lawful activities of a public association RHRPA" BHC "and a violation of the law on citizens' Deputy Chief of police executive committee colonel of militia Mankova YM He therefore appealed to the Ministry of the Interior Affairs with the complaint.
The complaint sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on October 30, Paul asked Levinau oblige police chief administration of Pervomaisky district of Vitebsk police colonel Tereshchenko AI consider the representative of the PDSA "BHC" in the interests of the citizen Valentina Halavan on the merits; specify the deputy chief of the Internal Affairs Executive Committee Mankova police Colonel JM the inadmissibility of violation of the Law "On citizens and legal persons"; and individuals who impede the lawful activities of PDSA "BHC" to bring to the statutory liability.
On the complaint of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Paul Levinau received a reply signed by the Deputy Chief of policing and prevention of public security police MIA RB AG Karazeya as follows:
"Conducting the audit found some violations committed by members of the police department Pershamaiski Vitebsk and ATC Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee when considering your requests. In this regard, ATC Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee to take the necessary measures to respond to the guilty, and to check whether the arguments about trespassing Halavan VG in the manner prescribed by the criminal procedure legislation.
About the results you will be notified separately.
We apologize for the unprofessional actions of police officers.
At the same time we inform you that the allegations of abuse by employees ATC Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee term review of your appeal from 10/03/2014 found no objective evidence.
Made decision you may appeal through the courts."
What finally end the matter, time will tell, but the facts show, human rights in our country are not a universal value, even for those who, for their official duties must be respected and protected. In this case, the legitimate rights of the citizen Valentina Halavan been violated as the rank and file police officers and senior officers of the Ministry of Interior.