Cleaner with a salary of 1.3 million can not extend the contract at the local utilities. Oksana got a job at the local housing and utilities 4 years ago. According to the woman, in her original duties included cleaning of entrances of apartment buildings, but eventually it began to direct and to the farm, and for the cleaning of the city dump.
"It turned out that the farm should be, and municipal landfills, because in the housing has a plan for waste paper, plastic bottles, glass bottles... The whole day in this stinking dump frost necessary otkolupatsya. Asks the boss, why should we, when I, for example, arrange to wash porches, and not in a landfill. They were told that if you do not like - you quit" - says the woman.
Oksana has health problems. The woman claims that for medical reasons she can not work in freezing and windy weather, there are corresponding certificate.
Oksana later given the third degree of disability, and, according to the woman, the management has decided to break her contract. But it turned out that the contract has been concluded with Oksana only for the first year of work on the other three, he was not extended. The woman was asked to sign a paper in hindsight, and after its failure to compile a contract of employment:
"The lawyer said, if you do not sign the contract of employment, you're fired, you're working without documents, it is illegal. Personnel Department said there is no difference, that according to the contract, which according to the contract - you will receive the same salary. So I eventually salary decreased by a million - a million three hundred - four hundred million. I took out a bank loan to renovate the apartment. repairs made, now has to pay 39 million, and I need this three million live daughters help and more credit to pay."
Chapter Oksana Victor Filippenko explains that while dismissing a woman no one is going, but it is the leadership of the claim: "I have made a request to the hospital, it must pass a commission. Ibid given a recommendation that can work as an accountant, housekeeper, a cloakroom, but we do not have a job."
The woman with the claims manager does not agree, so going to lodge a complaint with the commission on labor disputes.