The proposal to move the capital to guide Połacak Belarusian Language Society (Tavarystva Biełaruskaj Movy, TBM) settled in a letter sent in March to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus.
For the first time such an initiative TBM appealed to the authorities in February. From the Ministry of Justice came the reply, the substance of which is to ensure that the law does not provide for the transfer of the capital of the Republic of Belarus the procedure. In a letter to the Ministry of Justice stated that "any attempt to transfer the capital to another location should be considered as an event, a reasoned urgent need or other relevant factors". Also drew attention to the fact that the city of Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the Constitution, to change which is possible only by way of referendum.
According to the letter of the Justice Ministry, the number of solution to the question of Minsk population will help the development of satellite towns. Settlements located at a distance of not more than 60 km from Minsk, which, in accordance with the law have the status of a satellite town to be incorporated into a single social with Minsk, production and transportation infrastructure. In such settlements housing for those citizens is registered in need of better housing conditions in Minsk will be conducted. Connections will be provided by public transport in Minsk. In addition, in order to optimize the number of population of the city of Minsk provided removal (transfer) of some production facilities from the capital to other towns of the country. It is planned that by 2030 will be reached forecast-target for the number of Minsk population at no more than 2 million inhabitants.
In a letter received from the Ministry of Justice, the TBM has sent a reply in which to prove expediency of transferring the capital to Połacak.
In a letter to the BLS noted that history knows cases of moving the capital to another city, for example, in the twentieth century. the capital was moved to Russia, Lithuania, Germany, at the turn of XX-XXI centuries. – In Kazakhstan.
Chairman TBM Oleg Trusov, whose name is signed letter to the Ministry of Justice notes that the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus has twice changed through a referendum, so it is logical to consider the next amendment of the Constitution, in which you can raise the issue and to move the capital to Połacak.
According to Oleg Trusov, the city became the capital of Belarus, Minsk chance, "due to the fact that during World War I, he became in 1915 the great front-line town of the province." Oleg Trusov draws attention to what is still a controversial title modern capital of Belarus, and offers put to a referendum question on the return of the city's original name Miensk (from river Mienka) instead of the name of Minsk, arising under the influence of the Polish language.
In a letter TBM in the Ministry of Justice expressed doubts about the forecast-target population of Minsk population in 2030, as if Minsk will remain the capital, the number of its population is 2 million people already in 2020 or even earlier. Therefore, instead of the construction of satellite cities of Minsk advisable to send funds to Połacak.
Belarusian Language Society offers a program of transfer of the Belarusian capital in Połacak, which consists of the following steps:
1) Return of Połacak regional subordination of the city's status.
2) Construction of a new urban center between Navapołacak and Połacak in a modern architectural style. Thus, the new metropolitan center will combine Navapołacak and Połacak in a single metropolitan city, which will have to run no more than 500 thousand people.
3) Construction of a river port on the banks of Dźvina.
4) Construction of a new modern highway Minsk-Połacak and Smalavičy (Airport-2) – Połacak.
5) Giving the former capital city of Minsk republican subordination status within the Minsk region.
Moving the capital to Połacak, according to the BLS guide, can be combined with the administrative reform, which will provide for the replacement of regions and districts for 25-30 districts (as it was until 1938) or the paviets.
Oleg Trusov asked the Ministry of Justice to bring this to the attention of the Council of Ministers of Belarus.