Viciebsk resident Valery Misnikov asked the prosecutor, describing the exception of already established Commission "at the request of law enforcement agencies." He has witnesses who are willing to confirm this fact – that he really was included in the precinct commission number 17.
According to Valery Misnikov filed in Viciebsk city prosecutor's office, the administration's decision of Pervomaisky district of Viciebsk on August 26, 2015 it was included in the precinct commission number 17 from Pervomaisky district organization of the Republican Party of Labor and Justice. At the meeting, attended as an observer from the NGO "Belarusian Helsinki Committee" defender Paul Levin, who learned about this fact on the spot. Also, there were party members Valery Misnikov, who even managed to congratulate him.
However, at the meeting of the district committee Mr. Misnikov no one invited, and the site of the Viciebsk City Council in the list of members of the commissions, he also found his name.
"August 28, 2015 Deputy Chairman of the regional party organization A. Drozdov told me that at the request of the superstructure, I launched the administration of Pervomaisky district of Viciebsk from the Election Commission. Head of organizational and personnel work of the district administration Klimenchenko L. told me that I was not included in the precinct commission, but could not explain how it happened, if at the time of voting unanimously supported my candidacy," – says in a statement Valery Misnikov.
He expresses the opinion that after the public process of formation of precinct commissions that something had happened, and the result in the original decision was amended. He considers that this situation constitutes a violation of his rights and legitimate interests. Therefore I ask the prosecutor's office to verify the way in which to rule on the formation of election commissions, including the testimony of members of check Pervomaisky district administration with the help of a polygraph. According to Valery Misnikov, the prosecution must establish the identity of a person or persons who ordered the commission was changed and inform the applicant of the results of the inspection.
The situation is commented defender Paul Levine, who was present at the meeting where the election commissions were formed:
"I have personally heard and saw how to declare candidacy of Valery Misnikov and method of his nomination to the commission of the 17th area. And then Lyudmila Klimenchenko, head of organizational and personnel work, a member of Pervomaisky district administration and the speaker of the project administration's decision on the composition of committees, and could not explain to me why put candidacy Misnikov to vote, if, in its own words, the commission plot number 17 nobody put forward him. If the prosecutor's office will verify the statement of Valery Misnikov, I am ready to confirm heard and seen. But I think that the members of the administration of a polygraph examination would refuse."