Some time ago, the labor market Lepiel region was much more packed vacancies than unemployed. Today, everything changes. About that, what is the situation today, said Deputy Head of the Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection, Head of Employment Lepiel regional executive committee Tamara Vasilenko.
The specialist pointed out that at present still have to talk about the presence of an imbalance between the number of unemployed and the number of available jobs, but there is also a change of the vector. So, today, 120 applications for employment from the employers claim 170 persons. So many people, in fact, are registered. Within four months of 2016 bodies of labor, employment and social protection reached 276 citizens, of whom 170 received the official status of unemployed.
One of the inconsistencies of supply and demand in the labor market Vasilenko said, is that not all the unemployed can be called human beings highly, and the time is now, when most in demand in the labor market are precisely qualified – workers, drivers, engineers, doctors, etc. .d.
During the four-month period was assisted in applying for a job 72 persons, 67 of them – are unemployed. In addition, from the body for labor, employment and social protection, you can get help in the form of grants, to organize your business. This year has already issued six such kind of grants (in the barber shop, craft activity, trade of second-hand things), which totaled 160 million rubles.
Tamara Vasilenko noted that their social authority is responsible not only employment, but also the training and retraining of specialists. However, he added that in recent years the process in this area is somewhat slower due to the release in the electronic space. The plans for 2016 – preparation of 25 experts from the number of unemployed workers in such occupations as a cook, electrician, electric and gas welder and others.
In addition to the above, on a mandatory basis – training on the order of enterprises and organizations.