From different places in Viciebsk region reaching news that state-owned enterprises of agriculture greatly delay the payment of salaries. Outside the end of February, and many households have not paid off even with the employees in November. Sami wages plummeted, their outstanding products partially or checks to purchase goods in Belcoopsoyuz network.
Through social networks, we have gathered evidence of non-payment of salaries to more than a dozen farms in Hłybokaje and Dokšycy districts. News of the delay in payment of salaries and their products and reach from Miory district, and from Šarkoŭščyna and from Brasłaŭ districts. It seems that such a situation exists in most agro Lakeland and affected tens of thousands of people.
People are intimidated in the province. They are convinced that the management will take revenge if they tell reporters about the situation, or will achieve their rights. Although thousands of people do not get the money for a few months, the general public is unknown.
To not let people pass the local administration and management of the enterprises, we quote their statements, but will not write names.
"JSC "Golden Horseshoe" (Village Babičy [Hłybokaje district]) before management received 500,000 rubles for New Year, the workers - by 200,000 - 300,000."
"In KUGSP "Dokšycy" [Kruleŭščyna, Dokšycy district] recently paid 70% of salary for October. The director says the employees that the district does not give money. Almost every farm is the situation."
"JSC "Golden Horseshoe". Milkmaids have 700,000 salary, paid 500,000. The last salary I received in November. Electricity to work there [disconnected for non-payment?]. The ratio of heads to subordinates - terrible."
"JSC "Hamlet" [Hłybokaje district] salary is 500,000 - 800,000 rubles. At 200 thousand outstanding products."
In January, a settlement sheet photo was published on social networks. According to published this - the salary of employees of "Golden Horseshoe" in November 2015. For his work, hourly and piece rates, for the experience and for the weekend and holidays accrued 696,294 rubles. However, in the next line reads: "Cut due to lack of revenue" - 283,955 rubles. Another 4,413 rubles taken for other purposes. "To the issue on hand" there are only 407,926 rubles.
The Council of Ministers established minimum wage, if the employee works full-time in 2015 – 2,100,000 rubles from January 1, 2016 – 2,300,000. Under the law, the employer has no right to pay an employee less than minimum wage.
"The SEC "Strynadki" [Hłybokaje district] had not paid 70% of salary for July and 100% for August. Each month, you need to choose the products in the store Belcoopsoyuz 30% of earnings. Recently given a salary for November. In a meat factory in Hłybokaje prescribe choose Belcoopsoyuz in stores and in-store businesses at 30% of earnings. If you do not choose this amount, the canned meat to give the remaining amount. Please never shine my name."
"The relatives live in Strynadki, Padśville village council. There's also not completely give out salaries. 20 percent yield. They gave us "interest" in December and products. And 100,000 per store. Over the summer, very "twisted" the money... I hope that my name never comes up."
"OJSC "Hłybokaje agricultural service", where I work, to date, has not been paid salaries for December. The workplace was just a convention, for which many hold".
"JSC "Tarhuny" [Dokšycy district] people expect salary for December. I've heard that in other collective delay greater than ours."
"Sitcy [JSC "AgroSitcy", Dokšycy district] - that's something In October, who were given a salary, who did not let anyone in the store listed there hopelessness..."
"People are in despair. I saw how the women were crying, because there is no money. On New Year gave everyone on the cake - and all. The director said, will cost no money. Booker wrote the application for dismissal. Not signed them. Head threatened, who resign, will not be allowed to get anywhere else," - says another villager Sitcy.
We also reported the delay of salaries in KUGSP "For the Motherland" (Udzieła, Hłybokaje district), GP "Aziarcy" (Hłybokaje district) branch "Proškava" of "Hłybokaje rajagroservis", JSC "Barsučanka" (Dokšycy district) on farms in Brasłaŭ, Šarkoŭščyna districts.
January 21 on a straight line deputy chairman of the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Belousov called farm worker from Dokšycy district and said that living without a salary since October. Also he complained that did not receive a salary for October, the farm worker and mother of three children from Miory district.
BelTA news agency reported that these issues are "taken under control". "We are all well aware that people cannot live without money, so these problems need to be addressed quickly," - said Belousov. A month has passed, but the situation with wages in agricultural enterprises has not changed.
"In all districts of delay, all collective lap. That issue sausages, at the store part of the salary being moved. As a result, minuscule hand out, and even detained. No all you will not find "- sums up one of our interlocutors.
Asked about the situation at the camera, one of our interviewees said: "I do not want any trouble. I heard of a case where in the SEC "Strynadki" woman called Viciebsk [to talk about non-payment of wages], so Morhat [Chairman of the Hłybokaje district executive committee] was angry at her. Even threatened to take away her children. I do not want such problems. Sorry".
"Morhat one another" handsome. "On the question of how to live and how to raise children for such wages and non-payment of child allowances, replied briefly: "If you cannot raise a child, give him to Stanuli [orphanage], the state will grow him'", - says another, our interlocutor .
We cannot verify whether Oleg Morhat really said such words. But a few years in office as chairman of the executive committee, he earned a reputation as a man who says sharply and harshly treats employees and residents of the district. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of our interlocutors ask us not to call them names.
Agriculture - presidential houses in agro-towns and planted fields - has recently been the subject of official propaganda pride. But domestic agriculture was kept on government subsidies and soft loans. When in the budget because of the crisis was less money, it turned out that the state agricultural enterprises cannot survive a year without external assistance.
Particularly difficult situation in the Viciebsk region, where land is less fertile, while the share of unprofitable enterprises - the largest in Belarus. Thousands of people who provide bread, milk and meat of the country, found themselves on the brink of survival.
Kastus Shytal, westki.info