November 12 held several meetings with famous writers Minsk Viciebsk audience. The first of these took place at a university in the city on the Dvina, the second – in the Beatles-club "Attic" in the street October.
In the cozy atmosphere of the Beatles underground club guests to Viciebsk residents shared their plans and achievements. After seeing the room, editor of "Dziejasłoŭ" Boris pointed out that, unlike the first meeting, which was attended by some of the random people, gathered here the person, not indifferent to literature and culture. Perhaps it is, but would like to see these people in the "cultural capital" was much more.
Boris, presenting the content of the latter, and seventy-eight numbers "Dziejasłoŭ", noted that at the beginning of this literary project, no one thought that the magazine is so long delayed in the literary space of the country. But it happened, and now a small team has been living for the new, the following numbers, hoping to live up to the hundredth number. Already fully prepared 79 th issue, we are working on the 80 th.
It's not over subscription campaign, Mr. Boris reminded the audience that you can subscribe to any post office in Belarus. Currently, the situation was such that, in contrast to the magazines "Połymia" and "Maładość" where basically subscription library, the "Dziejasłoŭ" individual subscription is much more than a library. Once she was about three hundred copies, but gradually declined to about a hundred. Therefore, the creators of the magazine primarily oriented and rely on specific readers. While arriving at the meeting in the library, they see that the numbers "Dziejasłoŭ" read out and the other magazines readers sometimes do not touch.
A peculiar sensation was published in the latest issue of diaries Vladimir Karatkevich. With the printing of the diaries there are two approaches: one of the authors publish them in life as other blogs out posthumously. Although not everything is simple. For example, a family Yanka Bryl not agree to the publication of the diaries of the writer, even after nine years since he died, and the contact is not. Family Gennady Buraukin also says that while print journals is not yet come.
With regard Karatkevich no one in his life did not know that he writes a diary. It is not just a blog – is a work of art. He began writing it in 1965, when it was far from Belarus, and, together with Ryhor Borodulin served as a war correspondent in Vladivostok. It is interesting that in the diary writer primarily disclosed as a person. However, the blog came out with a certain bills, print it completely solved the niece of the writer.
There in the room and a new story Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, the story about the artists Victor Karamazov, a story about the province Mudrova Albania, which is directly connected with Belarus and talks about the times when Albanian students studying in our universities.
Boris touched in his speech and getting Svetlana Aleksievich Nobel Prize. Writer pleased that Belarusians finally got his Nobel Prize winner. Around her name was a lot of controversy, but after the event they should not have this, as in all new encyclopedias, wherever they went, in parentheses after its name will be one word – "Belarus", which removes all controversial issues. Now the world will perceive it as the Belarusian writer. Just as Joseph Brodsky perceive American poet.
Ales Pashkevich presented his novel "The Movement," which he called unexpected. It so happened that Belarusians did not invent any wheels, or bicycles, but the fact that they are involved in the invention of the diesel engine – is a known fact. The story tells about the inventor of the diesel engine, Rudolf Diesel, who was an assistant Belarusian son rebels in 1863. The wife he took the daughter of the Baku oil tycoon. The latter does not want this marriage, but was forced to accept, because the love of a young man took his daughter in his Paris. Following his act – perhaps even more significant to his credit than participate in the creation of a diesel engine. The book is also still and spies. As a former poet and a man with a sense of humor, Ales Pashkevich tried to explain the name of his novel, based on nostalgia for the rhyme. Like, first novel called "Circle" ("Kruh"), the second – "Movement" ("Ruch"), the following can be "Grip" ("Zuch"), and in this area there is a large space of possibilities for creativity.
At first he tried to retell the story in their own words, but, feeling the futility of such cases, read quite intriguing passage about the recruitment of German counterintelligence Russian officer.
A pleasant surprise was the performance of well-known Belarusian bard Zmicier Bartosik, whose name has not been announced. Artist art song at this time pleased with the presence of known Russian songs by Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Vertinsky, Apollon Grigoriev in the original Belarusian translation Ryhor Borodulin. Particularly impressed the audience got to perform all of the famous "Gypsy Girl", which he sang in a unique author's interpretation.
The meeting ended with the performance of the young poet Vsevolod Steburaka. He was terribly pleased "attic" space of the room, from which he identified two colored lanterns, which represents a sort of yellow-green light accent. He singled out in the first place, perhaps for the reason that only they could afford more or less see the full collection of his poems, which he read at last.

S. Horki, Vitebsk Spring