Railway District Court of Viciebsk on April 18 considered the administrative proceedings under Article 24.4 of the Administrative Code (knowingly false explanations or statements) against Larissa S., mother of one of the chief of the police department of the regional center, police colonel Sergei S. A woman found guilty of perjury and fined 10 base – 2.1 million rubles.
With the statement of claim to the court asked the traffic police Internal Affairs of the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee. the plaintiff in the present head of the MPO GAI ATC Vitoblispolkoma Alexander Stepanov and the inspector on search battalion of traffic police Sergey Prokudenko. The defendant acted Larisa S., which, according to traffic police officers to give false evidence in the course of consideration of administrative case for drunk driving and the creation of emergency in relation to her son, police chief, police colonel Sergei S.
In court as witnesses were called Arthur and Alina, and one of the witnesses for the family S. – Lili, served as chief accountant at a large company Viciebsk.

– Sergei and Larissa S. and Lyudmila Yu at trial gave false testimony. This is confirmed by records video cameras installed on the site of the incident, as well as contradictions in the testimony of his son and mother – said the representative of the court GAI Alexander Stepanov.
All participants in the administrative proceeding, informed the traffic police representative to give such contradictory evidence, it was proposed to pass a polygraph test – the so-called "lie detector": "Arthur and Alina participated in the survey with the use of polygraph – signs lie in their words is not revealed, the family refused to C. by checking ".
The colonel did not deny that at the time of the incident he was drunk – examination showed more than 2 ppm. According to him, he drank because "that day in the family was an important event – from the hospital took his nephew." But Sergei S. insisted that he was in the passenger seat, and the wheel was his mother.

The traffic police are confident the Colonel and his mother gave false explanations.
– The stakes are high – the court said Stepanov. – Mother and not to go for such a son. After all, if it is confirmed that the C drive a car, being drunk, in his case, this will entail not only the administrative responsibility, but also the dismissal of Interior.
Pensioner Larisa S. supported in court his previous statements – completely. At the time of the incident the driver's license from a pensioner with an absent, although all rights it has, driving experience – 30 years.
Witness Lyudmila Yu said that "she came up to the machines, but now realizes that does not remember anything and did not see who came out from behind the wheel."
40-year-old Sergei S. and on the court held the testimony, before the data: "I confidently declare that it was my mother that day to operate the machine."
Police Colonel in court tried to blame young people – Arthur and Alina – in collusion with the traffic police. The judge was surprised.
– I think J. and B. were familiar with had come to call the traffic police officers, – said Sergey.
– And you were not familiar with it? – Explained the judge.
– You know, I'm 20 years in the police, you have probably seen somewhere ...
– It seems to me, checking on my case being biased. After the incident, I was asked to write a letter of resignation. I did not do it – and started pressing, – complained Sergey S., apparently at the ATC officers persons.
– Indications of the family S. changed throughout the administrative proceedings depending on changing circumstances. This was done in order to Sergey could evade responsibility, – said the representative of SAI Stepanov.
Mother Sergey S., pensioner Larisa, before the meeting, told reporters that, in her opinion, "the process of her son being biased, it is under pressure from the police department." In a conversation with reporters the woman for some reason calls the 19-year-old Arthur J. "minor schoolboy" and complains that "it is surprising why Arthur and Alina decided thus earn money, knocking them $ 300."

Woman found guilty of perjury and fined 10 basic – 2.1 million rubles. She is going to appeal the court decision.
Recall, in the evening on February 20 Moskovsky Prospect in Viciebsk Arthur J. and his girlfriend Alina B. arrested for driving drunk Hyundai Sonata, according to them, the chief of the police department, took his ignition keys and called the traffic police.

This situation Colonel Sergei S. and his mother-pensioner Larisa S. interpret in their own way: that driving was not a colonel, and his mother, and Arthur took the keys of their cars to take the road extortion.
Examination of the traffic police found that the colonel was drunk – it was more than 2 per mille of alcohol in his blood. He was suspended from his duties.
Colonel's mother appealed to the SC to conduct an inspection and to institute against Arthur's criminal case of extortion. The investigator did not find his actions constitute a crime, and check stopped – but it has recently resumed. In turn, the police searched the actions of Arthur's part of "arbitrariness" of the offense – and, as it became known, did not find it.

photo: Igor Matveev