Enterprise suffered damage on a large scale. As a result, criminal proceedings were instituted.
According to the Department of Financial Monitoring of the State Control Committee the results of the first half, financial intelligence, together with the General Directorate for Combating Organized crime and corruption was "revealed the activities of a criminal group of officials from major oil companies and a number of related organizations that mercenary Interest in the program of modernization and upgrading of fixed assets carried out the purchase of equipment for specially high prices abroad."
During the arrest the participants of criminal activity seized about 300 thousand dollars, 360 thousand euros, 470 thousand Russian rubles. Currently, the company has reimbursed the damage in the amount of 3 billion rubles to Belarus from abroad returned illegally obtained approximately 900 thousand euros. Additional recovery money to repay the damage continues, says the Financial Intelligence.
Who is involved in this case staff of the Investigative Committee. "Currently investigating many criminal cases against officials of the "Naftan". This is one of them", - the Ministry of Internal Affairs GUBOPiK.
In July last year, six people were arrested three officials of the enterprise, including the deputy general director of "Naftan", and three representatives of private companies. Caused damage to the plant then estimated at 4 billion rubles. "It is connected with the procurement and execution of contracts the company", - the report says the UK. During the searches, seized more than half a million dollars, arrested seven expensive cars of business class as well as jewelry.
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Currently, the refinery implemented investment projects to increase the depth of oil refining and minimizing the release of dark petroleum products.
The main project on the "Naftan" is the creation of a delayed coking unit (implementation period - December 2016). This year the plant is planned to complete construction of a production of elemental sulfur and reconstruction of the primary oil refining AT-8. Overall cost of the projects development programs refinery is more than $ 2 billion.