Belarus has developed a draft presidential decree which provides for the restriction sites selling electronic steam generators (electronic cigarettes) and liquids to them, and the prohibition of their sale to persons under 18 years of age. Such a response is received Viciebsk human rights activist Leonid Svetik from the Ministry of Commerce, which has addressed with an appropriate proposal.
It looks like Viciebsk authorities gave up the slack and still "bent" under belorusofobskim singer. Viktor Kalina received permission to hold concerts in Viciebsk region. Arguments of Viciebsk citizens that touring this citizen undermining national interests and threaten the security, as the sow ethnic hatred, the authorities seemed not deserve attention.
For a couple of days, activists have collected several hundred signatures. The action, which is the nationwide, will run until 17 February, and then the collected signatures will be handed over to the presidential administration, the House of Representatives of the National Assembly and the Council of Ministers.
Head of the coalition on a competitive basis, was elected Vladimir Kiyko representing the BPF Party, and his deputy – Robert Kuznetsov of the "Narodnaya Hramada". The meeting was attended by Nikolai Statkevich, one of the leaders of the Belarusian opposition. take part in the presidential elections in Belarus in 2010, for which he was then placed behind the grill and found the world community as a political prisoner.
Registered in the primary organization of the Free Trade Union of Belarus (SPB) of JSC "Połacak-Fiberglass" plant includes 369 members of the Free Trade Union. What action is the primary cell to protect the socio-economic interests of workers – it told us the trade union leaders of the enterprise.
Połacak a year there is a human rights organization founded by local jurists. Human rights activists have formed the union in the form of a simple partnership by signing an agreement of joint activities to provide citizens with free legal assistance.
The training, which took place in the regional resource center for the development of additional adult education, organized by the organization "Christian community and young adults". The seminar was Olga Lukina, project manager of YMCA Belarus and the regional coordinator to strengthen the movement and project management YMCA Europe.
In summing up the 2016 Belarusian Association of Journalists noted the good organization of the work of BAJ branches in Viciebsk region. Diplomas were awarded BAJ activists of three regional organizations of the Viciebsk region: Hłybokaje, Połacak and Viciebsk. And Viciebsk branch of Belarusian Association of Journalists is the second year in a row is the winner among all organizations of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.
The holiday village Uschod (East) of Vorša locals renamed the "Far East". And all because the owners get quite difficult to their sites. The only passage – through the field, and that because of the mass housing suburb risks disappear. Many summer visitors – pensioners – living in suburban homes all year round. However, it happens that – no ambulance or the fire to come to them are not.