When enterprise JSC "Polotsk-Fiberglass" has long established public organization of veterans of war and labor of "Polotsk-Fiberglass". Usually this organization take retired employees. Veterans are sometimes organized concerts, tours, to the day of the veteran give little financial assistance from the plant. Not all retirees tend to start there, but, as it turned out, did not take all there. Chairman of the Free Trade Union of Workers "Fiberglass" Victor Stukov refused to accept the organization, although the time to take contributions for the year.
Victor Stukov says:
– The organization of veterans pensioners take their oral statement. I came into their office and said the desire to join their organization. NGO worker counted my experience, which has made more than 30 years, took an annual fee of 2 % of the monthly pension and congratulations on your assumption of the public organization.
A week later I was called by the chairman of the primary organization of war veterans JSC "Polotsk-Fiberglass" Vera S. Dmitriev and asked: "Come again – to check whether you have enough work experience." Chairman meticulously Dmitrieva (to the day) calculated my seniority and again congratulated me with the entry into the organization. But the adventure is not over. A week later the chairman of the veterans called and said that I can only take advice organization, which will be held in two weeks.
If all accept without ceremony, then chairman of the Free Trade Union decided to honor and raise council public organization of veterans. At the meeting, attended by over 20 people, 19 members of the Board of Veterans, 4 candidates for admission to the organization and administration of JSC "Polotsk-Fiberglass" Chief of Staff Yury Kravchenko.
The meeting began with fanfare in the organization took three pensioners, do not forget to list their diplomas and awards. When my turn came, the chairman of Veterans Dmitriev has read all my dismissal for violation of labor laws and concluded that I can not be accepted into the organization.
Made an honorary member of the Board of Veterans Roman Pribyschuk (a former employee of the first security department), saying that I have no moral right to be a member of the veterans' organization.
Honored worker industry, the hero of Socialist Labour SV Tzur said: "If we invite you to a meeting with the youth, and there you will agitate for the entry of workers in the Free Trade?" Answering the question had to tell veterans about fifteen activities Belarusian Free Trade Union at the "Fiberglass", this was the only positive thing meeting.
Meeting of the Board of Veterans of "Fiberglass" was like a Communist Party meeting of the 80s, it was interesting that even – look at history. After all the debate by a vote of three women veterans council voted to adopt me into the organization, the other against.
Now I am in doubt – I joined the organization, or not? Contributions took me and I can never get them back. According to their position on the board of the veterans' organization has the right to take the organization, but has no rights to refuse admission at the Board! Chairman of higher Polotsk district council veterans Galina writing Ant told me that confirm my membership in the primary veteran organization of "Polotsk-Fiberglass" is not possible.
Having considered the situation at a meeting of the Free Trade Union of Belarus, decided to establish a veteran in the direction of free trade unions. Because veterans' organizations at enterprises are pronounced ideological coloration.