By February 1, lists of able-bodied citizens who do not participate in financing state expenditures will be compiled, which, in accordance with Decree No. 3, will pay for housing and utility services at the full rate.
Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Viciebsk Regional Executive Committee Alexander Khristoforov at a working meeting, where measures to implement Decree No. 3 “On promoting employment of the population” were discussed, informed that initially about 78 thousand people not employed in the economy had entered the database.
According to the results of the work of the standing commissions in the regions, 1,500 citizens who have homestead and agricultural plots, about a thousand people working and paying taxes outside Belarus, a single tax payer, who managed to find a job by the end of 2018, and other categories were excluded from it. citizens.
Out of the remaining number of people not participating in financing state expenditures, only 18 thousand people are payers of housing and communal services, but about 5.3 thousand of them do not use hot water supply, for which from January 1, 2019 must pay for economically justified tariffs in 100 percent.
“The lists in the databases are constantly being adjusted; the permanent commissions in the regions are now working on this. They were created in Viciebsk region. 26. The main task that faces them is to study the situation for each citizen listed, in order to exclude cases of unlawful imposition of the obligation to fully pay for housing and communal services”, – said Alexander Nikolayevich, stressing at the same time that the commissions created work as fairly and objectively as possible.
Last year they held 375 meetings, including 46 retreats. Mostly citizens come for advice and explanation of legislative acts and norms of Decree No. 3, submit documents confirming their participation in financing government spending, also seek employment assistance. Thus, by decision of the regional commissions, 119 people got jobs without being sent to the employment service, another 14 were sent to study.
Information on regulatory documents, composition, schedule of work and contact details of the regional commissions for coordinating work to promote employment of the population are posted on the official websites of city, district executive committees and administrations of Viciebsk.
Natalya Kamlyova, vitvesti.by
Photo tut.by: Unemployed asks to release her from the payment of “tax on parasitism”, 2017.