The 36-year-old resident of the urban village of Vietryna will be tried for a false danger report under section 340 of the Criminal Code. In addition, he is charged with insulting the president (article 368 of the Criminal Code).
On May 1, Dmitry R., who works in one of the hospitals of the Połacak district, went to visit his neighbors, summer residents from St. Petersburg. They argued about how the Belarusian secret services react to reports of terrorist threats on the Internet. As a result, Dmitry conducted an experiment by posting on his VKontakte page a message “I hate Lukashanko !!! He n ... .as. I was preparing a bomb! will be a terrorist attack in Połacak. In the arena!
The next day, a 30-year-old lady from Połacak contacted the police, who announced a report on the upcoming explosion in the arena. For some reason, a resident of Murmansk sent a screenshot of this message to the woman.

Police quickly found the owner of the account and detained him. The man was charged with knowingly falsely reporting danger, and a criminal case was opened against him. The fact that the case has now been submitted to the court, said Natalia Platonenko, press secretary of the Viciebsk regional court.
According to: Siaržuk Sierabro, news.vitebsk.cc