Infringements of the legislation on struggle against corruption in committee on architecture and building of the Viciebsk regional executive committee and in the enterprises subordinated to it have revealed the check spent by regional Office of Public Prosecutor.
In its course, there were cases of employees making inaccurate information in the declaration on income and property, omissions regarding the execution of obligations to comply with government officials and officials of enterprises of anti-corruption restrictions.
In addition, the audit found violations of legislation in the field of public procurement in terms of their organization and conduct. Thus, the information important for potential suppliers and contractors was not posted on the official website of the IP Tenders, and the procurement documents were filed improperly, the Prosecutor's Office website reported.
Based on the results of this audit, the Viciebsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office submitted a submission to the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee demanding that the violations of the anti-corruption legislation, as well as the reasons and conditions that contributed to them, be brought to justice of the guilty officials.
Syarzhuk Serabro, vitebsk.cc