On December 7, Ekaterina Voinova, the head of the Housing and Communal Services Department of the Viciebsk district, drafted a protocol on administrative violation by citizen Jan Derzhavtsev. According to the protocol, the activist violated the rules of burial of human remains, so he buried in a place not intended for this. Now the trial awaits him.
Article 23:43 of the Administrative Code, in violation of which the head of the civil initiative "Chajsy" was accused, provides for a fine in the amount of five to ten basic units.
The reason for the start of the administrative case against Jan Derzhavtsev was the written notification of the chairman of the Mazolovka village executive committee, Leonid Dubina, to the Viciebsk districtal executive committee. Mr. Dubina informed that on November 9, at the human rights website "Viciebsk Spring", he watched a video showing the process of "unauthorized burial of bone remains in a forest near the village of Chajsy" in a place not provided for by law. To verify the information, the head of the village executive committee went to the forest, after which he asked the district administration to draft a protocol on the administrative violation for citizen Jan Derzhavtsev.
The event, which was reported to district authorities by Leonid Dubina, occurred on November 9. It took almost a month to determine the countermeasures. However, to call them constructive does not turn the language. Because it turns out: let the human bones lie around the excavated pits excavated by black diggers, than they will be buried humanly in the land from where they were extracted by real violators of the law, which the authorities do not even try to find.
Despite the fact that the administrative process was open, representatives of the public were not allowed to participate in it. This fact was noted by Jan Derzhavtsev in the minutes compiled. As a representative and defender of the accused in the offense during the drafting of the protocol, his son, a graduate lawyer Alexander Derzhavtsev, was present.
On drawing up the protocol, Jan Derzhavtsev was instructed to appear on December 12 in the court of Viciebsk district.