On November 3, the judicial board of the regional court quashed the verdict of the Railway District Court of the city of Viciebsk on September 7 against a resident of St. Petersburg, Olga Stepanova, who lost her child during childbirth at home.
A native of Viciebsk was charged with causing death by negligence under part 1 of Article 144 of the Criminal Code. The District Court ordered her to be sentenced to six months' imprisonment and serving a sentence in a penal colony in a settlement. Now the panel of judges in the composition of Sergei Bondarev, Alexander Abashin and Valentina Buyeva decided to cancel this decision and send the case to the court of first instance for a new examination. The trial was held in closed session.
At the end of the trial, lawyer Nadezhda Biryukova stated: "This decision gives us a chance to prove our legal position in the case. During the new consideration of the case, all of the arguments about which we spoke, have a place to be heard. One of our strong arguments is the latest expert opinion, which gives us the basis for a positive resolution of issues related to Stepanova's responsibility. "
As a success, from the point of view of the practice of lawyers, she evaluated the review of the case by the new composition of the court: "Now it is not so easy to achieve the cancellation of the verdict, even partial. In our case, the verdict is repealed completely, and the case is sent for a new consideration."
The absence of Olga at the current court, the lawyer explained the difficulty for her client each time to talk about the difficult problems of his personal life.
As for the new consideration of the case, it will take place no later than 20 days from the date of the transfer of materials to the court of Zheleznodorozhny district.
As a preventive measure for a woman, the court elected a written undertaking not to leave the place.

S. Horki