On the instructions of the leadership of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the Standing Committee on Work and Social Affairs of the PP considered the proposal of Viciebsk human rights activist Leonid Svetik regarding holding parliamentary hearings about the decree on "parasites". The result of this consideration was the refusal of the parliament to hold the proposed hearings.
The basis for such a reaction of parliamentarians is that the appeal of the human rights defender is allegedly not legal, since according to the rules of the House of Representatives, hearings are held solely on the decision of this legislature. In addition, hearings can be initiated solely by the subjects of the law of legislative initiative, the council of the PP, standing commissions, deputy groups, and not at the suggestion of citizens. Therefore, if these subjects did not address such proposals, then the procedure for organizing parliamentary hearings, they say, cannot be started.
The deputy corps has one more argument not to utter a word in defense of thousands of its voters. Deputies hope that the Council of Ministers on the instructions of the President will develop a new version of Decree No. 3, which will improve the legal status of "parasites".
In the opinion of Lyudmila Kononovich, deputy chairman of the Labor and Social Affairs Committee, the grounds mentioned above are quite enough to consider the holding of parliamentary hearings under Decree No. 3 inadvisable.
Of course, such a position of parliamentarians did not satisfy the human rights activist. Leonid Svetik believes that instead of real work to address such an important social problem – unemployment problems, the deputies took the position of outside observers. Like, let the problem is solved by the executive in the way it wants. And how the executive power solved this problem recently – showed spring protest actions.
"The irresponsible behavior of parliamentarians, the lack of desire and political will to stand up for the rights and legitimate interests of" parasites "make deputies, like the executive, responsible for all the negative consequences that ultimately arise when implementing the provisions laid down in the new version of Decree No. 3", human rights activist Leonid Svetik said.
Leon Efremenko