In Vorša, a new master plan is being developed that will determine what the city will be by 2030. Among the items proposed by the architects there is also a scandalous one: it is planned to build two roads that will pass directly to the places of mass Stalin executions on Kobyljatskaya mountain and near Mahiloŭ highway.
The Vorša local historian and public activist Igor Kazmerchek tells.
– The architects did not think it through. In Vorša there will be two roads that will pass through the burial sites of victims of Stalinist repressions. One will pass directly along the Kobyljatskaya mountain. And the second – on the highway Mogilev. According to the project, both roads will pass just by the firing pits. For the sake of justice, it should be said that not all officials agree with this plan. It will definitely be adjusted. The Vorša coalition of democratic forces will gather to show their proposals. I hope that we will be able to transfer these roads.
The draft of the Vorša master plan also provides for the accession to the district center of the 11,000-strong city of Barań. Moreover, further construction of new housing causes big questions. But, as Igor Kazmerchek noted with surprise, during two weeks of preliminary discussion of the general plan, none of the Vorša residents brought their proposals to the regional executive committee. Public activists of Vorša will draw up a list of their proposals.
Kastus Boguszewicz, racyja.com