Known throughout the country and beyond its borders, Hłybokaje Milk Cannery, the manufacturer of the famous deep-water condensed milk, was added as an affiliate to the less successful and not so large Glubokoe feed mill.
"Well, they still think ... what will be worse. Salaries will be less."
"Our brand knew, our products were known, but now... While someone finds out, all this takes time."
– workers of a dairy combine speak.
The shareholders of the enterprise agreed to such an accession
While on the same terms and with the same earnings. But as it will be further – it is not known. Worrying for the future of this integration structure is primarily a feed mill.
"Everyone runs from there. Because the bosses treat differently. And secondly – working conditions and wages are very different. There, people do not earn anything," – says Oleg Glukhovsky, an employee of the Glubokoe MCC, Oleg Parfiankovic.
Why is all this happening and what will happen now?
In an interview with the correspondent, the chief engineer of the enterprise Igor Shimko assured that the brand of the deep-seated "condensed milk" would remain as recognizable, and explained why such an association took place at all.
"This is not a matter for me or for the combine. Address not to the concern, but to the Viciebsk regional executive committee. This initiative is not a plant, there is simply a decree, which all residents are compelled to fulfill," he said.
Nobody understands why all this
The logic of the authorities is not understood even by those who lived here all their lives and saw with their own eyes how the enterprise developed and every year conquered new markets. While the Belarusians are arguing what condensed milk is better – from Rahačoŭ or Hłybokaje, the authorities are expanding the practice of such connections of successful enterprises to potential bankrupts.
"There would be a logic in this if some businessman bought this plant and made a deep modernization there. No one will make any profound modernization at this combine from the feed mill," said trade union leader Alexander Yaroshuk.
And therefore, and hope for high effective indicators, the expert believes, and even more so on the increase of wages, ordinary workers should not.
Vitaliy Babin, belsat.eu