On the day of remembrance of ancestors on 2 November in the suburbs of Połacak held two memorial services near the memorial crosses, installed in the settlements of Struńnie and Bielćyca.
On the outskirts of Połacak, in Bielćyca, memorial cross established 26 years ago on the site of extrajudicial executions of civilians during the Stalinist repressions of the thirties.
Traditionally on Dziady this place goes Greek Catholic mass in memory of all the innocent victims. This year, the faithful of the Połacak Greek-Catholic Parish with Father Alexander held a brief memorial service, sounded prayer for Belarus and the famous hymn "Mighty God".
The participants pointed out that every year more and more open information about the victims of extrajudicial executions Belarusians criminal repressive security forces, acting under the cover of the BSSR government in the 30s.
This year, the same service was conducted and about the memorial cross in the village of Struńnie. In 1997, the cross has been installed on the site of the destroyed residence Uniate metropolitans and the Christian church. In the thirtieth year of the last century, many of the villagers of the village Struńnie were punished for anti-Soviet activities, because I do not want to join the collective farms.
Such villagers were arrested and extra-judicial authorities, the so-called "special meeting", and condemned them to deportation to forced labor camps. In these camps people almost did not survive – this expulsion was tantamount to capital punishment, only extended in time. Many citizens are still looking for their relatives, the repressed and disappeared at the time.

Alexander Morozov