Two years ago, the initiator of the action made by a resident of Petrozavodsk (Russia), Sergei Cherniavsky, who offered to fight air pollution by planting trees. This idea was picked up in various countries.
Participation in the action brought more than 100 cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. So people tend to once again focus on environmental issues. In spring and autumn in their own backyards and territories of enterprises and institutions, activists planted cedar saplings, arborvitae and larch, as they emit more than other plants useful for the organism volatile production.
The Brasłaŭ organizers of the action were Constantine and Eugene Doletsky. Through the Internet, a brother and sister have invited residents of the region to unite and buy saplings. On offer many responded. At the weekend together they planted about 300 seedlings of cedar and arborvitae, and presented them to village councils, kindergartens and schools.
In the spring of next year, hoping Doletskys, the stock will gain a wider scale.