Any person of any age has the right to education. Now, to help implement it for Viciebsk residents will Regional Resource Center for Adult Education, which opened in the framework of the project "Learning to act".
Such a concept as "an additional adult education" means not only training. It is also the clubs, seminars, trainings, courses, etc., in other words, what people are doing is basic education.

– From the name itself it is clear that the project is aimed at developing further education for adults. And the activities of the project are aimed at both the population and the provision of services to it within the scope of supplementary education, expanding the range of services and the service providers, ie those who provide services to further education, to enhance their capacity and interaction with each other, improving the quality of services, – said the manager of the Regional Resource Centre for the development of an additional education of Eugene Pochepko.
As part of the center will provide services to the public free of charge. In the meantime, as noted Eugene Pochepko, the center will communicate more with providers.
– We want to consider a plan for what services the Centre will provide to the public. And, then we will inform the public, then you can turn to us when we have a specific list of services.
Not having time to open, the center has already held open days, when everyone could get acquainted with its capabilities and to express their wishes and suggestions.

Here are the main areas in which the center will work:
– Support the development of non-formal and civic education in the region (by the way, providers can act as the representatives of the formal education, using non-formal education methods and organization initiatives);
– Assist in the formation of a network of supplementary education institutions and establish a dialogue with the local authorities (the larger organizations will be able to attract the center in the network, the more efficient it will run and the more information can circulate in it);
– To provide consulting and information support of educational initiatives in the region;
– Organize and carry out educational activities for specialists in the sphere of additional education and population;
– To provide assistance and support to organizations in the project.

Moreover, already held a meeting with key providers of the Viciebsk region, colleagues from Minsk and German partners. The participants were representatives from the district territorial social service center, the Institute for Educational Development, Viciebsk business center, business support, the Association of additional education and awareness, Viciebsk Technological University, the German Association of Public Universities, and others.
During the meeting they discussed the function and format of the setting up of a resource center of the Council, which includes representatives of government, business and non-profit organizations, as well as the plan of activities of the regional center. The Council itself will serve as a link between the parties concerned, to the center of the work was conducted efficiently and execution of the project "Learning to act".

The project is financed by the European Union and DVV International (Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association).
Address Resource Center in Viciebsk: Str. October, 12, office 16.
Elizabeth Zolotnova