Hiking lifestyle combined teenagers who are registered in the inspection of juvenile Viciebsk police department, law enforcement, rescue, firefighters and teachers.
Subjects prevention are constantly looking for new ways of working with so-called difficult teenagers. They are not limited by conventional preventive measures. Especially in the summer. In May, at a meeting of KDN executive committee, which considered the issue on the organization of rehabilitation of minors, chairman of the committee Ksenia Korobach initiated a tourism campaign "Land of miracles, heroes and legends" and was unanimously supported. Less than a month, as the idea came to life. 12 teenagers have collected backpacks and set off-track.
Company guys was head of IDN Viciebsk police department Yuri Zhorov, teacher of social and pedagogical center of Marina Pryhozhaya, Senior Inspector of Public advocacy and group interaction Viciebsk ROCHS Catherine Kushnerevich, as well as head of the department of sports, tourism, local history and ecology of "Center for children and youth of Viciebsk district "Julia Kaplunovskaya and teacher of additional education Stanislav Nikitin. Partner fascinating journey through his native land made rayorganizatsiya NGO "Belaya Rus".
Before you take a course on the chosen route, all have been instructed on safety. After passing the exam for her knowledge, they went on the road. Fast bus arrived them to the old village, where they did the first stop.
Whatever the settlements after the tourists either were, in every visited memorial sites. With a history of his native land children acquainted Stanislav Nikitin.
Before walking group had the task of the evening set foot on the Zaronava ground. Without a halt it was almost impossible, especially for the untrained.
As soon as the team arrived to rest on the ground with arms fell heaviest backpacks full of food. Cooking dinner rally even more adults and children. The boys went to collect firewood, and the girls began to set the table.
– What were the delicious pasta with canned meat! – Shared Catherine Kushnerevich, removing the sample from the dishes, prepared over a campfire.
And no matter how desirable tourists still sit on the picturesque banks of the river Zaronaŭka, they had to go on the road. On the way to Zaronava their companion was the rain. This only added step.
When they reached the destination, tired travelers camped in the gym of the former Zaronava school. After a short rest the attention of tourists captured the leader of the national historical and ethnographic museum "History of Zaronava land " Lyudmila Nikitina. She warmly welcomed the children and adults in the territory of which it is established. Long after the tour, guests shared their impressions and promised to tell their friends and comrades of this wonderful corner of the Dvina region.
Burnt hiking teenagers took a few minutes to fall asleep. Even those who tossed and turned, trying to quickly get into the arms of Morpheus, as soon as possible to a new day of adventure.
And he came, but did not delighted tourists. A cohesive team had to abandon their plans – going hiking in Sujkova. They broke the heavy rain, which did not even take a break for a brief vacation.
But this circumstance is not marred impressions from joint pastime.
– During these events easier to find common language with children, talk about their problems, – said Yuri Zhorov. – From my experience I know that a live chat is very important. We tried to make friends with teenagers! And this is possible only if a minor chooses a law-abiding lifestyle changes to his side their habits. An important role in the educational process is played by his own example. In fact, to show the children how exciting and diverse leisure time and focus are different forms of work with difficult teenagers. Involve them in sports clubs, art clubs, to organize a healthy leisure, to create all conditions for the safety of life of boys and girls – the problem of interagency cooperation program.
The program "Care" in collaboration with the concerned departments established work on the maximum involvement of minors who are registered in the IDN in organized forms of leisure and employment. Continue working out of places of mass stay of minors, and this will involve activists of Belarusian Republican Youth Union, experts education department. The work will be the volume, but, according to the chief of IDN, the end justifies the effort.
Deputy Chairman of KDN Eugene Adamovich considers that the re troubled teens – hard work, but it is worth the life of a law-abiding way wayward juveniles changed for the better.
Reviews kids about tourist campaign gives every reason to believe that this form of work with boys and girls who are registered in the IDN, take root in the region.
Fact: registered in the inspection of juvenile Viciebsk region consist of 44 teenagers on June 1 of the current year.
Tatiana Dikanova, Žyćcio Prydźvińnia