Viciebsk Regional Executive Committee considers it inappropriate to further pre-trial rehabilitation of debtors. Companies themselves have brought an action for recognition of their bankrupt.
Viciebsk court began the proceedings on economic insolvency Połacak winery and winery Padśville (Hłybokaje district), the press service of the court. Companies included in the "Viciebskpischeprom", specializing in the production of fruit wines. They are 120 (Połacak Plant) and 179 (Padśville plant) employees.
At the time of submission of the application to the court payables Połacak winery was almost 96 billion rubles, the company of Padśville – more than 109 billion, while in both cases the manufacturer's liabilities exceed the value of their assets.
Insolvency of organizations supported by the preliminary findings of the Department of reorganization and bankruptcy Ministry of Economy of Belarus.
With respect to debtors set a guard period of 3 months. Interim managers in enterprises should provide protection during the period of preservation of the property.