According to the regional coordinator of the BCD Tatiana Sevyarynets, "officers in plain clothes' cause Viciebsk founders of the party to the authorities at the place of work or come home with threats.
So, Lyubov Polyakova, a pensioner who works part-time as a cleaner at the school, was summoned to the principal's office and forced to witness the rejection of his signature in the list of founders.
Valentina Skomorokhova is also working pensioner ("Children's House"), she tried to force to abandon the signature of the founder, and when you do not have, take the receipt that she is not a member of the BCD.
"Regimes that international relief promised in the issue of visa restrictions, not even waiting for the decision of the EU or the United States, starting brazen and defiant even repression – said the co-chairman of the BCD Paval Sevyarynets. – If the West does not react to this thuggery, to exclude students of BSU, on the persecution of independent journalists, new sentences to participants of peaceful rallies – it would be a slap in the face to all those who believe in the solidarity of democratic countries."
December 24 BCD organizing committee for the sixth time in the Ministry of Justice has submitted a list of more than 1000 of Belarus and the founding documents for the registration of the party.
According to