For several days now United Nations in honor of the 70-th Anniversary of its foundation holds rally in Belarus "Express UN-70". As part of this action on October 29 Train "Express UN-70" arrived in Viciebsk.
The main themes of the UN representatives stay in Viciebsk became ecology and participation of local communities in the sustainable development of the region.
The central event in the Concert Hall "Viciebsk" was to demonstrate the achievements of the inhabitants of Viciebsk region with the financial support of the Small Grants Program of the Global Environment Facility of the United Nations.
At several sites in the CDC "Viciebsk" were placed ekovystavki (UNDP projects and local initiatives, presentation of energy-efficient appliances, "Green Card", etc.), were children's environmental theaters, conducted workshops, interactive activities, quizzes and quests, artisans give master classes.
During the event, it was possible to get acquainted with the successes of environmental activists in the field of environmental protection and public health, to mitigate the adverse effects of global climate change. There was also a demonstration of good practices in the implementation of the daily life of the "green" economy. During the discussions, workshops were raised topical issues for the protection of the rights of refugees and the implementation of public-private partnerships.
Vitebsk Spring