Born in Vorša artist Mikola Kupava appealed to the public with an open letter in which he calls attention to the problem of reviving the Vorša Monastery of Basilian. The artist said that the owners of the monument of architecture of XVIII century, which stands for 10 years without a roof and destroyed, totally indifferent to the state of the building. The restoration, which promised to start in April, has not begun.
Meanwhile, Kupava said, it is important not only to begin the restoration, but also to the reconstructed image of the monastery was the way it was set up two and a half centuries ago. According to the artist, often the identity of the Belarusian architecture is lost when the places of worship are being restored. Most often it happens when they do not restore the original appearance, and later – such as they were after the adjustment, when in the XIX century "was required to change the shape of monuments, adapting them to the Russian imagery."
"Our monuments looked impressive, sublime, solemn and majestic. They had a very high roof, which created the grandeur of the monument, its great view," – says Mikola Kupava. An example of successful restoration, he said "the building of the Minsk Basilian monastery, which restored in the 90s of XX century", and believes that "this work for Vorša restorers is an example."
The artist focuses on the fact that the architectural complex of the Monastery of Basilian our contemporaries have never seen: he disappeared after the adjustment in the middle of the XIX century. Therefore, "our task is to restore it according to the rules of restoration" – sums Mikola Kupava.