The composition of the Vitebsk Regional Commission on Presidential Elections BNF member Konstantin Smolikau been delegated regional party organization. He was the only representative of the opposition in the composition of the election commission, and so it was interesting to hear firsthand how we are working and how it feels to the other members of the commission.
The commission you were elected at a joint session of the Presidium of the Regional Council of Deputies and the Executive Committee. How was the vote on your candidacy?
Sufficiently democratic. You can not say that the elected unanimously. There were those who voted against it. The commission, I was one of the last in the number of votes. Although during the vote seemed to me has been raised even an extra hand.
What can you say about the first meeting of the committee?
The first session started chairman of the regional council, Alexander Atyasov. And here, in contrast to the procedure of my election, I thought that the course of this vote was orchestrated one offers the other support and all voting right. As a result, the Chairman elect Dmitry Homa, deputy chairman of Zoya Krot and secretary Svetlana Ilyushchenko. However, there was at the meeting and a surprise: through self Smolikau Constantine offered his candidacy as deputy chairman, but this initiative was not supported by those present. Out of the meeting distributed on duty in July.
Maybe during the second meeting was at least some surprise?
No. At the second meeting, which took place on July 30, to consider funding the work of election commissions. This is serious. The funds were distributed according to the number of the territorial commissions and the number of polling stations.
Tell me, Mr. Kastus, what is the use for the civil society of what you get in the Commission?
I, as a member of the regional commission, can get acquainted with the minutes of the meetings, with all figures relating to the electoral process. And, as stated, this information is open and can be made public through me. Also affect, for example, the final decision of the regional commission of course I can not, because the decisions are made collectively. But to express his personal opinion, and asked to make it to the protocol I can. I can also offer to review and add to its agenda issues which, however, members of the commission may not be supported.
If there is any need to declare its opposition to express some kind of its position, I, of course, will do and will not look like this will be treated. Just I am going to defend its position, which follows from the general democratic principles and party.
Also, each member of the Regional Committee shall be entitled to attend the territorial commissions on the instructions of management committee, but, as we say, independent decisions without the consent of the chairman of the commission should not be accepted. Mol, call, get consent. But, for example, if I walk down the street, and now is the collection of signatures, and noting violation of the law, I, of course, and called the chairman of the commission, and I will act independently in order to prevent the violations documented violations of the witnesses and, finally, if need cause the same chairman.
So maybe you would have already shared some interesting information.
Nothing that the media does not seem to happen. Last week, the training triples (chairman, deputy, secretary) territorial commissions. The Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk visited the Central Election Commission Nikolai Lozovik. It would be, of course, to know what was there, but nobody asked, but, logically, the members of the regional commissions were to be there. They say that in the Vitebsk region are transparent ballot boxes at all sites. How does this help the openness and transparency of the elections, we'll see. As if even be unique plombirovschiki and printing seals on each precinct commission. Let's see how it will be.
How would you assess the mood of the committee members?
On the one hand, it seemed, no mood, because the majority of the committee members, as I did not know what to do, there is some kind of a specific job for which each of us should have to answer.
But on the other hand, on the basis of two meetings that took place, I can say that the mood among members of the regional commissions working. During his first duty I personally call are invited to attend the second session of the Commission. Responded politely, no negative or hostile attitude because of my membership of the BNF I felt.
I personally have the impression that the elections-2015 are uninteresting to anyone?
I think it follows from the fact that every time we procrastinate the main problems in the next election. Now the question is to mobilize and find allies to find new people. Those in favor of boycotting – they can only be seen in the comments on the Internet: they are for a boycott, and the boycott after that? I understand the work performed by the team of the presidential candidates, but I do not know what to expect supporters of the boycott. Boycott – is not a cure. I respect all candidates that have decided to participate in elections, but my prediction is: none of the opposition candidates did not register.
Vitebsk Spring