The Navapolacak local authorities banned the July 16 Square Builders picketing in order to inform citizens about the presence of political prisoners in Belarus. This is stated in the reply, signed by the deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Navapolacak Albert Shakel organizing committee of the BCD activist Andrei Gaidukov.
The official reason for denial - "copies of the documents on payment services in order to ensure the protection, health care and cleaning of the territory after holding mass events" were not transferred to the city council together with the application for the action.
At the same time, said Andrew Gaidukov, when applying any such requirements did not show it: "The statement recorded in person in the executive committee. If they wanted, they would have told me that just need some kind of payment, would give account numbers, amounts and more. It was not - I said wait for an answer. And the answer - you have not paid at registration", - he stressed.