A crack appeared in one of the 16 cast-iron columns located around the middle of the pyramid monument to the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. Crack "decorates" column of the monument for more than 10 days.
This is the second such incident. The first time there was a crack on one of the columns in May 2013. Then the crack length is about 40 centimeters, now – about a meter.
To eliminate the defect Polotsk foundries need to re-cast the column to dismantle the two-headed eagle, a small dome, cast-iron bollards, bronze lining, and then reassemble the structure.
Something does not carry the monument. First, when installed in 2009 had to align the octagonal pyramid to the monument did not appear crooked. Then darkened eight double-headed eagles, eight and sixteen medals capitals of columns. To restore their original luster, they had to repaint. Now for the second time problem with the column.
