Residents of the fifth entrance of the house on the street №7 World in Orsha received a letter in response to their collective treatment. Residents contacted the "Orshakomhoz" with a request repair.
The appeal asked the inhabitants of the entrance to organize their entrance overhaul, since the start of operation of this part of the house (1965) overhaul was not made even once. As a result, communication rusted wire coils hanging on the stairwells, the roof in some places flows, entrance is not closed.
But these complaints – not so bad. In fact, this road, which is all over the shop orshantsy see "Spring" is a shared apartment – several apartments here, one kitchen, two toilets and one bathroom. The house has never been, and now there is no hot water, not at all floors have gas stoves – they are not provided, but some floors dropped to install 4 burners on all residents. On all floors the old hood in the kitchen clogged with dust and in some cases moldy.
The answer of "Orshakomhoz" residents perceived as a normal runaround – the letter is no specific promises or offers, but merely describes the situation in the entrance of the eyes of officials. Here is the text of the response completely. In addition, we offer photos of the door, which is only marginally illustrate the situation.

According to orsha.eu