February 22 Belarusian musician Eugene Baryshnikov in a small room art base Vitebsk4me played the guitar their own works. But as it usually happens with representatives of the Belarusian underground art, despite a number of professional achievements, the name of the musician known only to a narrow circle of professionals and an ardent admirer of his work. Probably why the hall was almost full, but let pity those who missed this concert, and listen to what it was.
Eugene Baryshnikov performs solo since 2006. He - the winner of the festival "Ballad Fall 2010" (Belsky, Poland), winner of the festival of art song Fest-A in 2006 (Minsk), OPPA 2009 (Warsaw), Kupalaўskіya vakatsyі (2010, Minsk).
Eugene Field of interest is not limited to original songs with a guitar. He plays the bagpipes and percussion. Also conducts master classes in folk dances. And lectures on Belarusian dudarskoy tradition, is a member of the Belarusian dudarskogo Club, Student Ethnographic Society, the Center Ethnocosmology «Kryuja».
At the beginning of the concert sounded famous song "My Shchara" which, apparently - a kind of calling card of the singer. For him, this is not just a river of his childhood, this - the path in life, the path to the sea, access to the world of which should be the creator and his work. Then sounded "Pomeranian legend", "Uklya" with its shrill music and the words:
Ŭ tumanie, dzie nia bačna bierahoŭ,
Źnikajuć sensy, kolery i cieni
Źničy nadziei, pryciemki bahoŭ –
Usio minaje ŭ biełym letucieńni.
Ŭ tumanie, dzie niama šlachu nazad,
Pamiž vadoj niabiesnaj i ziamnoju,
Navobmacak, naŭślep i naŭzdahad
Cianiuje čovien u marach ab spakoi.
No less touching and dramatic were other songs: "Snake", "Dziady", "Pahonia". Yes, he has his own with "drygants" "in a sweet passion" "Pahonia" with his creative and emotional interpretation:
Voś adziny vypadak,
kali ŭ śpinu bić nia hańba.
Chto pryjšoŭ siudy zdochnuć –
There were other songs: Flemish, English - Belarusian. The blues, but as said the musician, this is not it. He is interested in something more profound, dramatic, hidden, emotionally rich. But it thankless job - seek to convey in words the essence hear this kind of music to listen live.
Musically gifted by nature, unspoiled form, it appears to the audience as a musician experimenter opened the world's musical heritage, accumulating which creates its own unique and original works.
In personality Eugene, as in his songs, manifested internal integrity and self-sufficiency. His musical works surprisingly complete colorful and expressive. That is to say, musical and verbal picture, against which, or rather, inside which there is a dramatic emotional and psychological conflict with external circumstances or force. Therefore, nature can be considered mainly his poetry. But a generalized image of nature he is specified in detail. This is, first and foremost - the river, dreams, air, forests, beaches, streams, water, fords, sky ... mainly related to water, moisture, that is, that flows, changes, moves. A fast, mobile and presents his poetry woven into extremely polyphonic and also moving arrangement.
As told "Dialogue" Eugene, coming to Belarusian language occurred to him not for one day. Once he had a full-fledged Russian-language program were concerts in Moscow. But it happened: he just stopped singing in Russian, mostly forgotten the songs, though not on purpose. You can, of course, speak in Russian, but it will not contribute to the culture of Belarus. At some point he realized that it was not his: if Google drive name "Baryshnikov" in Russian and Belarusian - are very different people. Therefore, it was such a decision - to do more texts in their native language.
With regard to the identity of Eugene, the fact that the creative maturation none of the Belarusian singer songwriters is not appreciably affected. And in general, he does not agree when it is called a bard, some of which even frightened, hearing someone call him that word. Yes, once in the yard with friends, he sang a song with a guitar Shalkevich, Melnikova. But the bards little eager to organic combination of music and words, that it was a primary. What it takes, someone calls acoustic rock. You can call whatever you like: in his mind swirling arrangement of metal to electro - it could be anything, you can even squeeze a symphony orchestra, but you can stick a metal band.
His songs, he does not plan to. They write spontaneously, without selecting subjects. Definition of the genre of songs considers vain thing. How do you spell - and written.
In fact, Belarus - an amazing country! There is not a lot of things done, and can be in any plane to write entire genres. A lot of things in the business world for a long time, we have not yet developed, not developed, and no one is working in these areas.
Eventually, Eugene stopped on the fact that it can be called a man with a guitar and a better musician.
Musician, open to the world, not only focused on some improvised, narrow issues and topics. Creativity should unite, not divide. The musician also has to think the scale of the universe, which, unfortunately, in today's Belarus is not. That, apart from the "Trinity", today we can present to the world?
"I want to write good music, create art worthy work, not day, communicating things," - said the Belarusian musician Eugene Baryshnikov.