In anticipation of the worldwide campaign "Stand Up for Journalism" in solidarity with colleagues around the world representatives of independent media Viciebsk have planted a small alley, which was decorated with paper birds made from old newspapers.
October 31, political analyst and director of the Center for European Transformation Andrei Yegorov outlined the visitors Vcitebsk "European club" of the state of relations between Belarus and the European Union at the moment, and expressed his opinion about how the situation will develop in the near future.
After hearing of the appeal and the sentence comes into force Viciebsk human rights activist Mikhail Zhamchuzhny was in quarantine in a penal colony #14 in the village Navasady, Barysaŭ district, Minsk region. He said this human rights activist Leanid Svetsik with which it is in correspondence.
Life sentence – such is the sentence handed down on October 30 Viciebsk regional court 55-year-old Dmitry Golubev for the murder of a senior state inspector Vorša Interdistrict Inspectorate of protection of fauna and flora Gennady Ravkov.
Activists established a cross in the tract "Warm woods" near the village Łužasna Viciebsk region. And restore one of the crosses on the edge of the village near Chajsy – put in place a new stolen by unknown vandals.
10 trees in honor of the "hundreds of Heaven" appeared on October 27 in Viciebsk district Bileva. Members of the organizing committee for creation of the BCD, the initiators of the campaign "For high-quality medicine in Viciebsk" with the children and local residents one of the houses around the planted maple, mountain ash, pine.
Before the weekend on October 23 in the village of Staŭry, Vorša district were working on the streets Puciacina bedding. After the work is a few large pieces of asphalt that had been dumped in the riverbed Kuciejenka. And in the very place where in the summer of this year, local residents staged Saturday cleaning.
About two weeks ago in Połacak entrepreneurs mass strike. The reason for the two-day strike five hundred people have been checking the fiscal authorities in the central city market. asked how things are going at the market traders today.
October 23 representative of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" Tatiana Ravyaka attended the announcement of the operative part of the judgment on the consideration of the appeal of the founder of the human rights organization "Innovation Platform" Michael Zhamchuzhny.
"Sorry, wrong! Facing you, I have not turned! – So I wrote Vera Kutalova in his second letter to the House of Representatives Sergey Bohan. And she added in conclusion: – Please clarify what I blame for the Republic of Belarus, which the state has deprived me of the right to housing of social use. "