As we wrote earlier, on June 24 in Polotsk a very successful presentation of the book by Vladimir Orlov "Ad Połacka pačaŭsia śviet. My Polacak, the Cradle of the World". But, according to the writer, the holiday experience of his friends and readers has been overshadowed by the barbaric onslaught of belarusofobs.
Approximately 50% of individual entrepreneurs Vitebsk region submitted to the tax authorities "zero return" on the eve of the entry into force on 1 July decree Lukashenka number 222 on the regulation of SP. Such returns are filed in the absence of revenue. It has been reported to BelaPAN the chairman of the organizing committee of the trade union "Together", Vitebsk businesswoman Irina Yaskevich.
In Vitebsk met chairman of the Free Trade Union of Metalworkers Alexander Bukhvostova with workers of urban enterprises and organizations. At the meeting, in particular, discussed the situation on the Vitebsk factories. Working with the "Vityaz" in his speech said that the plant once known all TVs now "barely noticeable."
More than two dozen women took part in an educational seminar on the theme of various kinds of domestic violence. The fairer sex acquainted with the concept of "gender", able to distinguish between types of violence, heard the statistics of its manifestations in Belarusian families. Spoke not only leading the seminar - the chairman of the Borisov female social association "Province" Avtushko Elena, but are themselves involved: given examples, shared their opinion.
Christopher Zhelyapau, coordinator of the Vitebsk region NGO Movement "For Freedom", Alexei Gavrutikov - trustee former candidate for presidency in Belarus, and now political prisoner Statkievich Nikolai, Jan Dzyarzhautsau, a member of the CCP BPF, and Kastus Smolikau, Deputy Vitebsk Regional glad BPF filed an application in Vitebsk city executive committee on street march and rally. Events scheduled for July 27.
In Polotsk Museum printing June 24 presentation of the new edition of Vladimir Orlov, "Ad Polacka pacausia sviet" In a crowded room of the library of the museum founders attended editions - author, publisher, photographer, editor and translator. Presentation was accompanied by live music of young musicians playing ancient instruments, from "Lіty Thaler."
June 21 at the home Vasil Bykau took delivery of the traditional award "For the freedom of thought". This time it received the bard Victor Shalkevich. The event was held in the village Gobies that the Vitebsk region, and was attended by over 200 people.
During the construction of the station near obezzhelezovaniya Selyutskogo psychiatric boarding home for the elderly and disabled has been partially excavated the hill on which the fort V century BC - V century BC Hillfort is a cultural and historical value of Belarus third category.
The court refused primal Belarusian Independent Trade Union (BNP) workers "Naftan" in meeting the requirements for the city executive committee to reverse the decision to cancel the registration of the supplementary agreement signed with the independent union.