Political prisoner Igor Olinevich is transferred to a colony "Vitsba-3" where previously served a sentence former presidential candidate Alexander Kozulin. Political prisoner Igor Olinevich's father Vladimir Olinevich reported that his son was transferred from colony to colony Novopolotsk "Vitsba-3", which is not far from Vitebsk.
First day of work in Ulyanovsk Vitebsk agricultural fairs of the Republic of Belarus darkened unpleasant history. Like a ghost from the "dashing 90", they drove white "Toyota" from which came three strong young men in tracksuits characteristic...
Russian flags spread in Belarus continues. Another fact of sale drivers flags Russia was recorded in Novopolotsk. July 17 from Novopolotsk Gennady reader sent charter97.org website pictures. The next day at the site editors came another letter with a photo of this city.
In Hlybokaje district authorities blocked the road leading from the village to the district center Derkovschina. This is due to the threat of African swine fever, as the trail passes near the pig farm "Malinovschina".
July 15 at a railway crossing "Horobrovo" at the entrance to Orsha distributors were detained Russian flags. It turned out that people were spreading flags Borisov - Maxim A. Tikhonov, born in 1989, and Paul V. Inhabitants, born in 1977, both deaf. They are waiting for the court.
Haradok district department of the Investigative Committee of Belarus criminal case against the first deputy chairman of the district executive committee Haradok. A criminal case Haradok District Prosecutor's Office on materials vetting 7th control GUBOPiK Ministry of Internal Affairs. This told the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Vitebsk region Inna Gorbacheva.
On the shore of the unique lake Bolduc in Postav district build an Orthodox church. But building contrary to public opinion, legislation and nature. Scandalous building constantly acquires new details.
Employers do not want to hire minors and even students. "It is estimated that we have 67,000 in-school adolescents, but summer employment are covered by no more than 30%," - said the first deputy head of the education Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Leonid Stepanov at a meeting of the Commission on Minors.
As it became known, at the end of May the October district court judge Vitebsk Tatiana Zhuravkova ordered the cessation of compulsory measures of security and treatment in respect of human rights activist Valery Misnikau Vitebsk. This court decision rights activist sought more than six years.
Vitebsk politician Alexander Kirillov indignant that occurs in the Railway District of the Belarusian Red Cross Society. He argues that the chairman of this organization Irina Konopleva kindle ethnic hatred. According to policy, Konopleva repeatedly denied citizens for assistance on the basis of their ethnicity.