A resident of Vitebsk Tulubenski Paul (pictured) has applied to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus. In it, he asks leadership of the country's highest court to prosecute and to dismiss the chairman of the court of October district of Vitebsk Eugene Burunov. According to the complainant, the judge ruled Burunov against his unjust decision in an administrative case.
In addition, Paul Tulubenski insists on compensation for moral damages in the amount of 3 000 000 and the return of funds spent by them on payment of the state fee of 300 000 Br.
Reason for seeking Vitebsk resident served in the Armed Forces of Belarus issued in April 2014 judgment. According to the applicant, it was unfounded and biased. According to this decree, Tulubensky was found guilty of an offense under Art. 9.2 (slander) of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus, and subjected to a fine of 20 basic units in the amount of 3 000 000.
Pavel sure that there are no legal grounds for the initiation of the administrative procedure and the court ruling said the chairman of the court Burunova was not. Trial he considered biased - the judge took the side of the victim – S.A. Litvinchuk, who is the head of the commercial structure ODO "SPE Mera".
Mr. Tubulenski believes that the motive for the behavior of the judge is a possible attempt to intimidate persons who have signed a reasonable collective complaint to the President of the Republic of Belarus Lukashenko on the actions of the ODO "SPE Mera" violating their rights and legitimate interests.
At the beginning of July this year, the decision of the Chairman of the Vitebsk regional court judge Nicholas Hamichonok the ruling of Burunov April 18 has been canceled, and administrative proceedings against Tulubenski discontinued. Chairman of the Regional Court explained its decision by saying that the day of judgment, the trial court expired administrative penalties established by the procedural law.
Paul Tulubensky sure Judge Burunov knew that the term of administrative penalties it has expired, but, in violation of the law, ruled in favor of Litvinchuk. Nevertheless, in spite of the gross violations of the law by the judge, the chairman of the regional court decided not to properly respond to the arbitrariness and lawlessness committed by his subordinates and did not attract him to deserved punishment. The latter circumstance and forced residents of Vitebsk appeal to the Supreme Court.
Such actions and behavior of the ministers of the Belarusian Themis discredit the judicial system of the country, reduce the trust of citizens in court decisions, causing suspicion of corruption and the level of engagement of judges, said Paul Tulubenski.