As of April 1, 2014 the population of Vitebsk region amounted to 1 million 201.0 thousand people. For three months the number of residents of Vitebsk decreased by 1100 people. In the first three months of this year, Vitebsk region continues to hold leadership deplorable: the region has the highest mortality rate and shows the lowest fertility rate in the country.
For the first quarter in Vitebsk region born 3075 people died 4553 people. Natural decline in population (excess of deaths over births) was 1478 people and was slightly offset by the migration growth, which increased compared to the same period last year.
Natural increase, decrease (-) population by regions and Minsk in the I quarter of 2014

According to operative data, the population of Belarus on April 1, 2014 amounted to 9,467 thousand people. Natural population decline in January-March 2014 compared with the corresponding period in 2013 decreased by 34.9% and amounted to 3,621 people. Migration gain in January-March 2014 amounted to 2,432 people.
The number of inhabitants in January-March increased only in Minsk, in other regions of the country the number of residents in this time decreased.
Population by regions and Minsk

In January-March 2014 born in the country 27,690 children, died - 31,311 people. In the whole country in January-March 2014 the number of deaths exceeded the number of births by 13.1% (in the same period last year - 19.8%).
In the first quarter, Vitebsk region continues to hold leadership deplorable: ranked first in terms of natural population (1,478 people), shows the lowest fertility rate in the country (10.4 with an average of 11.9 in the country) and is the first place in mortality rate (15.4 with an average of 13.4 in the country).