In 2017, 27 children died from external causes in the Viciebsk region, among them in the Viciebsk district — 3. The death of minors as a result of drowning is especially alarming, six such cases were committed in the region. Most of them occurred on artificial reservoirs.
In this regard, the prosecutor's office of the Viciebsk district carried out a check of the execution by subjects of the prevention of the regional interagency plan of measures for the prevention of child injuries for 2015-2018. Also, within the framework of the control, a raid was carried out on the implementation of the decision of the Viciebsk District Executive Committee "On potentially dangerous objects and places of stay of minors" in order to bring the water bodies-diggers in the territory of the Lotcy Village Soviet in a proper condition.
As the assistant to the Prosecutor of the Viciebsk district Elizaveta Osipenko noted, along with improper performance by parents of their responsibilities in the upbringing of children, accidents with the death of minors are facilitated by the formal approach of local government and self-government bodies to the implementation of the requirements of Directive No. 1, as evidenced by numerous facts of mismanagement and irresponsibility.
— Artificial pond located in ag. Kiraŭskaja, is located next to the children's playground. Despite the fact that it is equated with potentially dangerous objects, there is no information sign about the prohibition of bathing, which allows boys and girls, without thinking about the consequences, to bathe in it, — said the prosecutor's employee. — In the horticultural association "Avangard-2004" the digging has dangerous slopes, masonry for jumping into the water. Similar violations were detected when visiting artificial reservoirs located in Zajcava village.
During the raid, there were also noted the facts of failure to take measures to restrict access to potentially dangerous facilities located in the Suraž and Babiničy village councils. So, in Rabava village several buildings cause fears: abandoned houses, an unexploited grain drying complex and mechanical buildings, in which large volumes of combustible materials are stored that can ignite from a low-calorific ignition source.
In Žabianciai village, according to local residents, children are constantly playing in abandoned, destroyed single-family houses, and some adults are seen for analyzing slate and brick, and this self-will can lead to collapse of structures and traumatizing people.
— The decision of the executive committee of the chairman of the village executive committees, the heads of organizations assigned to these objects and places of stay of minors, ordered to immediately take measures to restrict access to children, to post information signs, — said Elizaveta Osipenko. — Causes and conditions of the revealed violations are mismanagement and ignoring the safety standards of management, inadequate organization of work of the commission for inspection of potentially dangerous objects, lack of proper control.
The revealed infringements are eliminated, officials are brought to disciplinary responsibility.
Elena Chapleva, pridvinje.by