The hero of our next material about the conditions of detention in temporary detention facilities of the Viciebsk region was the activist of the Belarusian Popular Front party from Haradok Leonid Autukhov. The oppositionist took an active part in celebrating Freedom Day in the regional center on March 25, for which he was punished with 15 days of administrative arrest under article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of the procedure for organizing or holding a mass event).
In the detention center now I got, probably, the fourth time in my life. When this happened for the first time – I do not remember exactly, as many years have passed. But nothing has changed since then. Nothing has changed at all!
Unless the attendants began to be more kindly treated. And the first time I got there, it was horrible. Formerly, the guards were greyhounds, confident, and now they feel that they are no longer so powerful that it seems that another time comes. There are also smart guys – they understand that changes are imminent in the society. They feel these changes, maybe better than us.
In short, the staff, the guards simply did their job and treated us well. And not only to "political", but also to ordinary inhabitants of the detention center: the guy that sat with me was sitting on the case – he consumes alcohol, then goes outside and the hooligan – and his attitude was normal. I have no complaints about the service staff. But there are many complaints about the system itself.
I was put in a 2-seater cell. Two days before that, before the trial, he was in another, but as a trial took place – all the time in the same cell, they did not translate anywhere. Together with me sat a guy from Polotsk. He had debts (unused 24 hours of administrative arrests on the previously adopted court rulings – Ed.) – he went there for a very long time. He did not have outside support, since he has one mother. So he was very grateful to me, because I had help from friends; wife, family supported me – and he was sitting without cigarettes and had no extra food. That's why he was lucky with me. He said: "I'm like at home."
Conditions of detention? 2-seater camera – little space. Secondly, the toilet is close. Table for eating – in the restroom. After all, there are no fences or curtains. All in one place. So 15 days sat like in the toilet all the time.
More about the toilet itself. Flushing does not work – it does not exist at all. It's good that you passed the water, so you collect the plastic bottles – and you wash them off. I was given water in 6-liter bottles, so we washed well, and in other cells it's all the more terrible. True, they installed a toilet bowl. They say that this is due to some kind of European money.
Sleeping area? 2-tier shkonka (bunks – ed.) – a metal frame, boards – well, as usual. Bed linen – the first week was good, and then not very much, but it's a trifle.
In the cell where he was sitting, there was no window, it was covered with metal – a thick sheet, maybe a "five". And a tiny hole – workers, probably, drilled, when they did, and so they left it. And through this hole we looked: whether it was day or night.
We went for a walk when we asked. Almost every day for thirty minutes. Once they did not get out, but apologized, because there they had some kind of incident and did not have time. So they said: "Sorry, guys, tomorrow we'll get out." And really, the next day was taken out – so we had a walk as much as we wanted.
In the shower – went once. Although not going to – I wanted to endure two weeks and then go to the bath. But the cellmate asked to go to the shower, and so I went along with him.
Call – gave. I wrote a statement – and gave. The mail was sent to me regularly. Many letters came. And here from me the letter on will and has not reached. Although the envelope, so I could send it, they even brought me, because I had an envelope without a stamp.
As for the programs, there were also no problems: everything that was allowed was transmitted in a timely manner.
And now – the main thing. That there are different restrictions, a hard shkonka, a toilet ... – it's not that. We did not go to the resort. But the real horror is food. At me age already such, that should closely concern to meal. So there is a real torture of food. More precisely, torture by hunger.
Even as the first time I got into the detention center, I tried their meatball. I had a long taste of it. This time I did not eat a single cutlet. About this cutlet they say: "We take food from the regional executive committee". So when the power changes, you need to collect them all in one chamber and feed them with cutlets – you just need to keep the name of that cook, so that he does not forget the recipe.
I believe that in the modern world it is impossible to feed people so much – much worse than I feed the dog. I have a better attitude towards the dog than the relation of "Lukashism" to people who have got temporarily. There are small hooligans, thieves, but they are people! The torture of hunger, when you constantly want to eat, people break. And we must stop this: you can not have people want to eat in the 21st century!
Also I want to say about the light. He is burning in the cell for days. Sleep hinders, but to read, it is not enough. And I read all the time, because what else is there to do? I took some of the literature from there, but they have all the books in Russian. Therefore, I was mostly given books from the will – in the Belarusian language, I left them there – let others read. So when you read in such a light – such a strain that I, for example, had a headache – I'm not 20 years old. The neighbor was young, 25 years old, and he tried not to read much because of the coverage: "I read a little – rest". Lack of light for reading is also torture.
Is it deliberate this is done to take away a person's health? If so, how the power will change, there must be investigation and punishment – so it is impossible that there is not enough light. For 15 days I planted my eyesight – went out and now I'm using glasses to read.
Torture with light, torture with hunger ... What else was remembered? Radio that plays all day. It also caused me suffering. Instead of news – propaganda. Everything in Russian, Belarusian was nothing. And I do not listen to this.