In order to optimize the structure of the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Navapołacak, the medical and labor dispensary No. 8 is liquidated and a correctional colony No. 1 is created on its base. The corresponding decree No. 223 was published on the National Legal Internet Portal.
The Council of Ministers is instructed to finance the created correctional institution within the limits provided for in the republican budget for the maintenance of the bodies and organizations of the penal system.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs, within three months, must ensure the liquidation of the medical and labor dispensary No. 8 and the state registration of the correctional colony No. 1, redistribute the number of staff and civilian personnel of LTP No. 8 and the penitentiary institution of the open type No. 15 of the Department of Corrections in the Viciebsk region, As well as approve the structure and staffing of SG No. 1.
I must say that, in the opinion of the "guests" of Navapołacak LTP No. 8, this institution was not much different from the colony before the presidential decree. Sergei (the name was changed at his request), a little less than a year spent in LTP, in an interview with "Salidarnasts" he said:
– This institution can be compared with a correctional colony of the reinforced regime, because before the formation of LTP there was a colony. Staff all remained the same as the regime and the order of movement through the territory. Mobile phones were withdrawn upon admission and were not issued. The only difference from the zone is that a "citizen" applies to you.